Nox found he was stroking her hair again.

“Good girl,” he growled softly, unable to take his eyes away from the erotic sight of his cock spurting deep in her mouth. “Take it all—such a good girl to swallow all my seed, Seline.”

She moaned softly around his cock and kept swallowing as Nox stroked her hair. Until, at last, he was finished.

He didn’t get soft however—Kindred males were multi-orgasmic. He knew if he allowed her to keep sucking him, he would eventually come again. But he was aware that all the other males at the table seemed to have finished and he didn’t want to hold up the end of the dinner.

“That’s enough, Seline,” he murmured, gently pulling her head away from his aching shaft. “Enough for now, my good girl.”

She pulled back at last with his urging, her lips swollen and her pupils dilated. She looked almost drugged, Nox thought, and he was aware that he had never smelled the scent of her female desire hotter than it was now.

“Master…” she began but then the table around them erupted with applause.

Nox looked around in surprise—both the Masters and the pleasure slaves beside them were all clapping and hooting softly—clearly a sound of approval.

“What…?” He looked at Master Lendrex, who was also clapping and hooting. “I don’t understand.”

“You don’t? Master Nox, that was the finest sucking I’ve ever seen—any of us have ever seen. That little pleasure slave of yours has a mouth like a fucking black hole! And I’ve never seen any female so eager to swallow her Master’s cream before.”

Seline licked her lips, looking guilty.

“Oh, um…” She didn’t seem to know what to say—which was all right since they clearly didn’t want the females to speak here in the Upper Disk.

“Thank you,” Nox said, acknowledging the praise on her behalf, since she wasn’t allowed to talk. “Seline is indeed a master of the art of, er, oral pleasure.”

“I’ll say she is!” Lendrex remarked. He gave Seline a long, admiring look that made Nox want to push her behind him so that the other male couldn’t see her curvy body and lovely, flushed face.

“Well, thank you for an excellent meal,” he said, speaking more formally. “But I must remind you that you promised to search your collection for any Kindred artifacts.”

“Of course, of course.” Lendrex nodded genially. “But why rush ourselves? Let me give you a tour of my home first. Come—not many get to see the inner workings of the Halls of Pain.”

He got to his feet and Lovely jumped up as well, clearly eager to be at her Master’s side.

Nox didn’t want a tour—he wanted the other half of the Far Box so he and Seline could get the Seven Hells away from the Upper Disk and get back to their own universe. Strange things were happening—both to him and to Seline. She was showing eagerness for sexual gratification that he had never seen in her before and as for Nox himself, well…

You’re having emotions. Admit it, whispered a little voice in his head. When she was so eager to suck your shaft, you felt a surge of what can only be described as lust. And the longer you’re here, the more possessive you feel of her. Even when Lendrex just looks at her you want to punch him—if that’s not anger, I don’t know what else it could be called.

But Nox wasn’t ready to admit it. He pushed the little voice away. The thing was, they needed to get home so that he could have that emotion damper implanted. He needed some outside way to control the overwhelming sensations that were coming over him since he clearly wasn’t doing a good enough job of controlling them himself.

He couldn’t say that though, and he and Seline couldn’t leave until they got their hands on the other half of the Far Box. And until Lendrex was willing to look for it, there was no possibility of getting it.

So, no matter how badly he wished they could leave, there was nothing he could do but nod politely at the Ruler of the Upper Disk.

“Yes, we’d be pleased to take a tour,” he told Lendrex. “Come on, Seline,” he added, rising and helping her to her feet. “Let’s go see our host’s home.”

There was nothing else they could do.



Seline wobbled as she walked on the tull’ka mat but thankfully she had Nox to lean on. The floors were black marble and more easy to walk on once they were out of the Banquet Hall (which she suspected doubled as some kind of orgy room because why else would the entire floor basically be a giant mattress)?

She was still a little wobbly, however and not because of the floors. She couldn’t quite believe what had just happened between herself and Nox. It occurred to her that she hadn’t even used the steaming towel to clean him up but really, she hadn’t needed to. She hadn’t used much of the dessert syrup on him at all and the little bit that she had used, she’d licked off completely…right before she’d swallowed his cum.