“They’re really easy,” Lovely told her. “Only speak when you’re spoken to and do everything your Master says. Oh, and if he has to punish you, be sure to take it without complaint. Remember, you could always be living someplace much worse—like down in the Tangle.” She shivered. “Ugh!”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Seline remarked. “I saw the Tangle and I didn’t think it was that bad. I got this little guy down there.” She nodded at Peep-a-cheek, who was still sitting quietly on her shoulder, mostly hidden by her long hair.

“Oh—he’s adorable!” Lovely exclaimed. “How long have you had him?”

“Not long—he hatched from a flur’fa egg that Nox—I mean my Master—bought me down in the Main Hub of the Tangle,” Seline told her. She wondered what had happened to the other three flur’fa eggs—Nox must have left them on the counter of the cred chip dealer.

That reminded her that the only bit of food she’d had was the few nibbles of the white candy dough that had been wrapped around the shell of Peep-a-cheek’s egg. She hoped some food would come out soon—and that it would be edible.

The place settings on the table were clearly set for a Master and his pleasure slave. There was a wide golden plate in front of Nox and a smaller version—about a third the size of his—in front of her. They both had sets of silver cutlery, though she only had a spoon and a trident-shaped fork while he also had a knife.

Suppose they don’t want their women getting too curvy, she thought, eyeing the size disparity of the plates with a frown.

“When do we eat?” she asked Lovely.

“Oh, the servants will be bringing around the Masters’ meals any minute now,” Lovely told her. “Then after they get started eating, they’ll bring our food.”

“So…the males and females eat different food here?” Seline asked.

“Of course.” Lovely acted like it was normal. “If the Masters ate our food, who knows what would happen to them?”

“Well…what if we ate the Masters’ food?” Seline asked, because the servants—all dressed in dark clothing and with somber expressions—had started coming around to ladle servings of food onto the plates of the males at the table and it smelled delicious.

“If your Master wishes, he can give you a bite or two. They generally do that only if they’re very pleased with you,” Lovely said. “Like, if you’ve sucked your Master’s cock really well earlier and you emptied his balls really well.” She giggled. “Though of course, after swallowing all his cream, you might already be full.”

“I…see,” Seline murmured. Was she really going to be required to suck Nox’s cock? The idea gave her a naughty little shiver of desire.

“Or you can beg for a bite,” Lovely went on. “Like this—watch.”

She leaned over and insinuated her top half into Master Lendrex’s lap and looked up at him as she slowly unfastened his trousers.

“Now, Lovely,” he said sternly, though he made no move to stop her. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m hungry, Master,” Lovely purred as she uncovered his cock—which was as shiny and gold as the rest of him, Seline saw. Leaning down, she ran her long, pink tongue around the crown of the golden cock. “Please…could you spare me a nibble of your dinner?”

“Mmm, now Lovely, you know that male food isn’t really good for you,” Master Lendrex said reprovingly. “It’s the female food that you need to be eating.”

“I know, Master, but they haven’t served us yet and I’m hungry now,” Lovely pouted. Then she leaned down and sucked the entire head of his cock into her mouth.

She must have been extremely good at what she was doing because Master Lendrex groaned and threw back his head.

“Such a soft, sweet little mouth!” he muttered, running his fingers through Lovely’s long turquoise hair. “All right, all right—you can have a bite. As long as you promise to eat all your female food when the servants bring it.”

Lovely finished sucking the head of his cock and looked up at him.

“I promise, Master,” she said eagerly.

“And of course, save some room for dessert,” Master Lendrex told her.

“Mmm…will there be yummy cream sauce on it?” Lovely giggled.

“Of course there will—you know I always have cream for you, Lovely,” he said, giving her a knowing smile.

Seline watched all this with wide eyes. She felt like she was watching a live-action porno playing out right in front of her. Not that she was prudish—far from it. But after years spent with Mitchell where the only kind of sex they ever had was Missionary style for five minutes with the lights out, it seemed wild to be watching someone give a blow job right in front of her.

As a reward for her excellent service, Master Lendrex gave Lovely a bite of something from his golden plate. Lovely made a great show of moaning in delight as she swallowed the morsel. Then she winked at Seline.