Long, diaphanous black sleeves started at the back of the dress and were attached to black cuffs around her wrists. They billowed dramatically whenever Seline moved her arms. And the whole look was finished with a pair of black high-heeled shoes, which seemed incredibly impractical and yet somehow made her lovely legs even more alluring.

It was, Nox decided, a very eye-catching outfit. In fact, he could barely stop looking at Seline as she came to stand beside him. He was still sitting in the pilot’s chair, but he swiveled to get a better look at her.

“Well? How do I look?” She held out her arms, which caused the creamy mounds of her breasts to jiggle slightly and the black sleeves to ripple and flow.

“You look lovely…Mistress,” Nox growled.

“Well, thank you, Nox.” She gave him a flirtatious smile from under her long eyelashes.

“Very lovely indeed,” he heard himself repeating.

Why was it that seeing her like this made his fangs sharpen and his shaft feel so hard it felt like it was trying to burst out of his uniform trousers? Which made him remember his own outfit.

“Should I go change into my ‘bodyslave trousers’—the ones which show my shaft?” he asked her.

Seline frowned thoughtfully.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so—we only used those for formal occasions on Yonnie Six. And we don’t know if they’re something the male attendants wear here in this version of Beselex Station.”

“True.” Nox felt something akin to what he imagined “relief” felt like. He didn’t particularly enjoy having his shaft on display before a large crowd of Mistresses—though he would not have minded if it was only Seline who was watching him. Besides, it was better to keep one’s vulnerable places protected when going into unknown territory.

“You should probably take off your shirt and wear your collar and leash, though,” she said apologetically. “I’m sorry—I know it’s awkward when I have to pretend to lead you around.”

Nox shrugged.

“It does not bother me.”

He got up and brushed past Seline—who didn’t seem inclined to move to give him more room for some reason—and went to find his Yonnie Six gear, as he thought of it.

He didn’t mind playing the part of her bodyslave in the least. As long as he was near her and could protect her, he would play any part he had to.

He just hoped things didn’t get complicated during their time in the Tangle.



“Well—I guess there’s no time like the present. Are we ready to go?” Seline asked Nox when he emerged from the sleeping area in the back of the shuttle. He was wearing tight black leather trousers, high black boots, a spiked collar, and a long silver chain leash.

It was his usual Yonnie Six outfit, but it never failed to take Seline’s breath away. His broad, bare, muscular chest was positively mouthwatering and the fact that his skin was olive green instead of tan or brown only made him look more appealing, as far as she was concerned. She just wanted to run her hands all over that muscular expanse—especially his abs.

The big warrior didn’t just have a six pack—he had an eight pack—and he also had those little ridges of muscle on the sides of his hip bones that led down into the waistband of his black leather trousers.

“Yes—I’ve docked us near the Main Hub of the station, but we’ll be entering at a slightly smaller junction of the Tangle,” Nox told her, interrupting her lascivious thoughts.

“Oh, uh—all right. Whatever you think is best,” she said, nodding and trying not to stare. As a matter of fact, Nox seemed to be having a staring problem himself—his silver eyes were fastened firmly on her nearly bare breasts, which made Seline feel naughty and hotter than ever.

Stop this! she told herself sternly, before she could really get going. This is no ordinary mission—you have to concentrate on getting the second half of the Far Box and getting back home to your own universe. There’s no time for anything else.

But it was damn hard to keep that in mind when she followed Nox out of the ship and couldn’t help noticing his tight, muscular ass in the black leather trousers.

She dragged her mind back to reality once they entered the Tangle, however. There was a short metal hallway that led from the docking area and then they found themselves in a crowded area filled with merchants and prospective buyers.

There were stalls on either side of this larger area, which seemed to be about the size of a high school gymnasium. Everywhere she looked Seline saw strange and interesting things for sale.

To her right, was a man with blue scales selling torches—but the flames kept turning into different shapes which looked like strange, alien animals. They had big eyes and long, fiery hair and would have been adorable if they weren’t made of flame, Seline thought.