“How many times must I ask you to keep your pleasure girl quiet?” Lendrex asked Nox, frowning.

“Forgive her outburst, but she is correct in being upset,” Nox said. “If either of them had attempted to check my female for a ‘tail’ as you call it, I would have broken first their fingers and then their necks. Also, it is an unreasonable expectation to believe that every guest you allow into your domain will automatically have the same beliefs and practices that you yourself employ.”

Seline thought that Lendrex was going to argue but he nodded stiffly instead.

“That is true,” he acknowledged. “Still, I cannot have a tailless female in the Halls of Pain. Before we can continue our tour or make any kind of deal regarding artifacts, your female must put in a tail.”

Seline barely stopped herself from blurting, “What?” again but though she managed not to speak or exclaim, she looked up at Nox appealingly. Was she really going to have to do this? She’d never done any kind of anal play before and though he might not know it, Nox had been right when he’d said that her “orifices” were “tight and sensitive.”

Nox looked down at her, clearly considering.

“I will not hurt or endanger my female just for your pleasure,” he told Lendrex. “But if you have a very small plug, er, ‘tail’ I will make her wear it as long as I am allowed to insert it myself.”

“We have them in all sizes,” Lendrex assured him. “Lovely, get down from there and let Master Nox’s pleasure girl take your place.”

Lovely hopped lightly off the table and grinned at Seline.

“Ooo, your first tail! How exciting!” she cooed.

Seline didn’t know if she felt excited or scared to death. Her heart was pounding as Nox helped her onto the table and positioned her on her hands and knees. How had they gotten here? One minute Master Lendrex was just giving them a tour and the next minute she was up on the table with her ass spread about to get plugged for the first time!

Suddenly, Nox was beside her, his face right beside hers as he put an arm around her trembling back.

“I know you must find this frightening, but it seems to be the only way we can proceed in getting what we need from here,” he murmured in her ear. “So I need you to have courage—to be brave for me, Seline.”

“I know. And…and I’ll try,” she whispered back. “It’s just…I’ve never had anything, er, up there before, Nox.”

“I’ll be extremely gentle and careful as I put it in you,” he murmured back. “And I will choose the smallest one they have.” He turned her head gently so that Seline would meet his silver eyes. “Look at me, Seline—I know how tender you are and I would never willingly hurt you.”

“I…I know.” She nodded, feeling a tiny bit better, though her heart was still pounding against her ribs like crazy.

“Can you trust me then?” Nox stroked her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He cupped her cheek and murmured, “Can you be my good girl and trust me, Seline?”

Seline felt a shiver run through her at those words spoken in his deep voice. Whether he was doing it on purpose or not, Nox was playing the part of her Master perfectly. It was hard not to want to do exactly as he said when he looked at her like that and called her his “good girl.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. “I…I can be your good girl.”

“Excellent.” And then he did something which surprised her. Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead, on both cheeks, and then once—very gently—on the lips.

Then he pulled back and she heard him speaking to Lendrex.

“All right—she is ready. What is the smallest ‘tail’ you have?”



Nox didn’t want to do this. It seemed that things kept getting more and more extreme the longer he and Seline were in this place. How had they progressed from a “tour of the Halls of Pain” to him inserting a “tail” into the curvy little female’s behind?

But it seemed he had no choice but to do it. Apparently the idea of a “tailless female” was extremely offensive to Lendrex. So there was nothing for it but to find the smallest one he could for Seline to wear and be extremely careful and gentle while inserting it.

Lendrex was already holding out a variety of “tails”—what Seline had called “butt plugs”—all of them with sparkling gems set in their bases. Nox chose what appeared to be the smallest—it was about the width of two fingers at its widest circumference but narrowed to a softly rounded point which should make insertion easier. He hoped, anyway. It had a dark red gem like a ruby set in its base which reminded him of Seline’s hair.