Still can’t believe you did that! whispered a little voice in her head. And I can’t believe that Nox participated the way he did!

She could still feel his big hand stroking her hair and hear his deep voice calling her his “good girl” and telling her to “take it all” and “swallow all my cream.” At the time, it had made her incredibly hot but now she wondered what it meant. Had Nox actually been feeling something for her as she sucked him? Or was he simply playing along, acting like he was really her Master in this strange place?

Seline had no idea but she became aware that Master Lendrex was speaking. The sound of his voice brought her dazed mind back to reality and she looked up to see where they were.

“…and this is the Punishment Room,” the Ruler of the Upper Disk was saying. He nodded at an archway which led into a dimly lit area almost as large as the Banquet Hall.

Seline looked in and had to bite back a gasp. If she’d thought that the rest of the Upper Disk looked like it was decorated with BDSM in mind, now she saw the truth—the Punishment Room was the real dungeon. Several people were in there, both punishing and getting punished as they watched.

“Come in,” Master Lendrex invited them. “Come and see—we have every piece of punishment equipment you can think of—and a few you haven’t even dreamed of.”

There seemed nothing to do but follow their host into the dungeon—not that Seline really minded. She’d been trying to work up the nerve to go to a BDSM club herself for months—basically ever since she had divorced Mitchell. But she was betting there was nothing on Earth to match the setup that Master Lendrex had here in the Upper Disk.

In one corner, a giant cross was set up with leather manacles at both ends. Beside it was a rack filled with all manner of implements from whips to floggers to paddles to canes. There was a female on the cross at the moment and a man with silver scale skin was flogging her bare bottom while she moaned and writhed.

In another corner was a bench beside a rack filled with paddles.

“The Spanking Bench,” Master Lendrex explained. “A simple but effective punishment. Come this way, I’ll show you more.”

He led them to another corner which was a little more brightly lit than the rest of the dungeon. In it was a waist-high table with a bottom half which split in two lengthwise. A rack beside it held rows and rows of what appeared to be large, glittering jewels as well as dildos of all shapes and sizes. There was a table beside the rack which had many different bottles and tubes on it.

“What’s this?” Nox asked, pointing at the set up. “It was clear how the other areas you showed us were made for punishment, but I don’t understand what this area is for.”

“Oh, this is for giving your pleasure girl a tail,” Lendrex explained. “Lovely, show him your tail.”

At once, Lovely hopped up on the table on her hands and knees. Her knees went onto the bottom half of the table, which was split in two. When Lendrex pressed a button on the side, the split spread even wider, which had the effect of spreading Lovely’s long legs apart.

“See here?” Lendrex pulled the bottom of her fur bikini to one side, revealing a large pink gem winking at them from her anus. “That’s her tail,” he explained. He pulled another one off the rack which was loaded with jewels of all colors and showed Nox.

“Oh, it’s a butt plug!” Seline blurted out, when she saw the bulbous end which curved to a soft point. The other end had a wide, flat bottom with the jewel embedded in it, which would hold it in place, so the plug couldn’t go deeper in than it was meant to.

Lendrex gave her a stern look and she remembered again that she was supposed to be seen and not heard here in the Upper Disk.

“It is a tail,” he said again and looked at Nox. “Does your little pleasure slave not wear a tail? Here in the Upper Disk, we require all females to wear them.”

“Well…” Nox cleared his throat. “Seline’s orifices are small and tight and extremely sensitive so—”

“So she’s not wearing a tail? Do you mean to tell me that I had a tailless female at my Banquet table?” Lendrex looked incensed.

“Uh-oh,” Lovely sing-songed, under her breath.

Nox frowned.

“Why did you not inform us of this custom if you wished us to follow it?”

“True.” Lendrex seemed to calm down. “Someone should have told you—I’ll have the guards who allowed you and your tailless female to enter the Halls of Pain executed.”

“What?” Seline blurted before she could stop herself. “But it’s not their fault!”