What surprised her—even more than his actions—was the feeling of immediate lust that shot through her. Her whole body was suddenly alight—her nipples tight and her pussy wet and hot and throbbing with need.

She tried to hold back a moan. The only other time she’d experienced such sudden, intense desire was the first time she’d accidentally picked up a BDSM romance novel, not knowing exactly what it was about. When she’d gotten to the spicy parts, with the hero dominating and punishing the heroine, her own sudden lust had surprised and overwhelmed her so much that she’d been forced to go into the bathroom and get off at once to relieve the pressure. (She’d been at work, on her lunch break at the time.)

Oh my God, what is he doing to me—and what’s wrong with me? She was panting—feeling like she could barely breathe, she was so aroused by her Protector’s display of dominance. And yet Nox kept on talking, as though everything was business as usual.

“As you can see, no female rules me,” he said, nodding at Seline, who was kneeling at his feet.

Master Lendrex barked a laugh.

“No, of course not! No male worth his weapon would allow a female to dominate him. So tell me, Master Nox—what is this ‘lucrative proposal? You have only five solar minutes of my time so make it quick.”

“I am a collector and trader of antiquities—most especially antiquities of the Kindred culture, because I have some Kindred ancestry,” Nox explained. He bared his teeth, showing his fangs. “Specifically Blood Kindred.”

“I see. Go on.” Master Lendrex made a motion with one gold-scaled hand.

“I’m told you have some antiquities in your own collection that might be from the ancient Kindred race,” Nox said and Seline had the idea he was choosing his words carefully. “If you do and you’d be open to dealing, I have some rare chin’di chips to trade for anything I find of interest in your collection.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out one of the gold-edged chips to display. “You can verify their worth with the cred chip dealer down in the Tangle if you wish.”

“No need—I can tell just by looking that’s a genuine chin’di.” Master Lendrex frowned. “But that doesn’t mean you can just come in here and expect me to open my collection for you to peruse.”

“That was not my intention at all—I do not wish to see your entire collection. I am only interested in Kindred artifacts,” Nox said. “If you have none to trade, just tell me and I and my pleasure girl will be on our way.”

“Speaking of your pleasure girl, she’s quite a rare specimen,” Master Lendrex remarked, looking at Seline, who suddenly wished her dress covered more of her “lady bits.”

Kneeling on the floor as she was, the tiny triangle panties had been pulled to one side, exposing her pussy slit. Also, the cups of the black dress she had on were askew, showing the dark pink bands of her areolas. She wondered if she could cover herself or if that would get her in trouble—she didn’t know the rules of the Upper Disk, though the fact that its inhabitants called it “The Halls of Pain” seemed ominous.

“Seline is exclusively mine and not in any way for sale,” Nox said, a possessive growl coming into his deep voice. “Also, I do not share her or loan her to anyone. She is mine and mine alone.”

“All right, all right, I understand.” Master Lendrex raised both golden palms, throwing patterns of light on the marble floor. “Still, she’s a lovely creature. Maybe you could tell me where you got her from.”

“I may at some point in the future,” Nox said coolly. “If you would be good enough to let me know if you have any Kindred objects to trade.”

“You’ve got a one-track mind, Master Nox.” Master Lendrex sighed. “Well, let me see…there are a few things, I believe, that have Kindred origins, but they’re stored in my office. I’d have to have a look at them in order to see if they’re anything you might be interested in.”

“I would be happy to wait,” Nox informed him.

Seline wondered if he was going to keep her kneeling on the cold marble floor the whole time they were waiting for Master Lendrex to dig through his collection. She needed to get up and get herself together.

The first flush of extreme lust that had washed over her had faded, but her body still felt flushed with need. She would have liked to go someplace to get off—just to ease the tension she felt. But Master Lendrex’s answer dispelled that notion.

“Oh, I don’t have time to look right now—we’re soon to have the dinner hour here,” he remarked. “Though possibly afterwards I could look into it. Would you like to stay as my guest and eat with us?”