In his dreams, he didn’t just kiss her panties—he tore them aside and tongued open her pussy, lapping her inner folds and finding the tight, sensitive button of her clit to tease with his tongue. Then he bared his teeth and sank his fangs deep in her inner thigh, injecting her with his essence.

This was certainly something he would never do in real life, since it would be tantamount to Claiming her as his own and—being without emotions—he was not equipped to take a mate.

There were other, similar dreams and he woke from all of them with a raging erection and a sexual need unlike anything he’d ever felt before. He couldn’t sleep again until he had eased the pressure, though he felt that it was somehow wrong—perhaps unprofessional—to stroke himself as he thought of his charge. He was supposed to be protecting Seline—not pleasuring himself while thinking of her full curves and soft lips.

“Is it bothersome?” Yipper asked again, and Nox realized he had drifted off into what the humans would call a “daydream”—which was another phenomenon he hadn’t experienced until he had started protecting Seline six months ago.

It was very strange how he couldn’t seem to stop thinking of her—whether asleep or awake. Possibly it had to do with the revealing clothing she wore around him or the way she always seemed to find excuses to brush her full breasts against his arm or chest. Nox didn’t find these habits to be a problem, so he didn’t object. But he wondered now if they were the source of his troubles.

“I don’t know if having these kinds of dreams is bothersome per se,” he said at last, making an effort to answer his physician’s question. “But it is…irregular. I wanted to consult you and see if something is wrong with me physically. Perhaps I should get an emotion damper installed.” He touched the back of his neck, where such devices were worn by most of the other Dark Kindred he knew.

“No, no!” Yipper shook his head emphatically, his long ears flopping. “I knew the Tolleg who mixed your DNA personally, Nox—he did a flawless job. You are one of the few Dark Kindred who don’t need an emotion damper. No you don’t, no you don’t!”

Nox knew this to be true, though it didn’t seem true at the moment. He was exactly half Blood Kindred—hence his fangs—and half Quix’ellis, or Quix as they were more often known—which had contributed to his pale silver eyes, black hair, pointed ears, and olive-green skin tones.

The Quix were a race of hyper-logical beings who had no emotions whatsoever and valued reason over feeling. They were extremely intelligent and had advanced mental abilities other races didn’t possess. For this reason the Tolleg scientist who had mixed Nox’s DNA had incorporated strands of Quix genetic material, rendering him one of the few Dark Kindred who didn’t need an emotion damper to control his emotions—because he had none to control.

“But why am I having these troubling dreams?” he asked Yipper, frowning. “They are coming to me every night—sometimes several times a night—and I have no control over them.”

“Perhaps it’s simply that your dreaming mind is expressing thoughts your waking mind cannot comfortably process. That could be, that could be,” Yipper suggested. “But a few dreams here and there aren’t a reason to get an emotion damper. No they’re not, no they’re not. A damper would flatten your personality and make it extremely difficult for you to deal with the humans you must work with.”

“Well…” Nox rubbed his hands over his knees, the enhanced fingers making a whispering sound on the fabric of his trousers. Like other Dark Kindred, he had several enhancements—a smart-metal sheathe which covered his left hand and made him exponentially stronger than an unenhanced male and similar sheathes over his calves.

He also had ocular enhancements—they were clear lenses which had been surgically grafted to his eyes which enabled advanced magnification and far-seeing. These were useful and also much more subtle enhancements than most Dark Kindred possessed.

He rubbed his palms on his trousers again, once more making the slight whispering sound. It had taken him some time to get used to wearing a regular Kindred uniform of tall black boots, tight black trousers, and a long-sleeved button-down uniform shirt rather than the bulky exoskeleton he had worn on his home world. But Seline had complained that the huge metal bodysuit was “too hard and cold” and “made him look scary” and so Nox had decided to exchange it for clothing which fit his new environment more exactly. Not just because of what she had said, although she had looked remarkably appealing, looking up at him with her big, brown eyes…

“You’ll be fine, Nox. Yes, you will, yes, you will,” Yipper assured him, patting his knee with one hairy little hand and bringing him back to the present, since once again, his mind had wandered off to think of Seline. Why couldn’t he keep his thoughts on more logical matters? “Are you due to go on another mission soon?” Yipper asked.