She tugged at the end of her messy ponytail. “I don’t have any plans to come back to Pasurea in the near future. Or the distant future, even,” she said. “You know I’m going far beyond the boundaries of Enegar, and I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings or hurt feelings or—”
“Geneva.” He cut her off by putting a finger to her lips. “Don’t worry about it. This whole visit of yours was a pleasant surprise, and I’ll treasure the time we spent together. But Iknowyou and what I should and should not expect.” As she breathed a sigh of relief, he flashed her a sly grin. “I never got to say good-bye to you the last time you left. Let’s do it right this time.”
Returning the smile, she moved closer to him in anticipation of a kiss, but he pulled back and took her by the hands instead. She allowed him to lead her up a flight of stairs and down a narrow hallway toward a closed door. Only when they arrived inside his bedroom did he draw her into him to give her what she’d been longing for.
He kissed her slowly, his tongue meandering around hers as if they had an eternity to spare. She wanted to relax, to make herself slow down, but knowing how soon she would be leaving him again urged her onward. Pressing herself along the length of his body, she felt the outline of his rigid erection pushing back against her, and it further fueled her desire to know him intimately. Without releasing him, she took a step backward, and they tumbled to the bed, locked in each other’s arms. As they lay side by side with their limbs entangled, she tried to fight past the thoughts of their upcoming separation and focus on the present.
She located the top button of his shirt as his hands slipped beneath her silky blouse. He stopped moving, and she unfastened the closures one by one. Their lips never separated, but he let her go in order for her to remove it and toss it aside. She, in turn, forced herself to break the kiss to allow him to pull the shirt off over her head. Marcus trailed a finger along the edge of her black satin bra, the tenderness of his touch eliciting a tremble from her.
As he set to work removing her pants from her body, Geneva pushed aside the reminder of how, after being alone for so long, she found herself in this situation so soon after the last time. Any hesitation vanished as he shed the rest of his clothing, granting her an unobstructed glimpse of his lean form. Resuming his original position beside her, he slid his hand around and underneath her torso to unfasten the first piece of lingerie impeding his view of her bare body. He took a moment to gaze down upon and caress her breasts, letting her fleshy curves fill his entire hand, before moving down to rid her hips of her underwear.
Marcus propped himself up with one elbow as his other hand trailed a line down the center of her chest. Lowering his head, his lips followed the same path, and he nuzzled the space between her breasts. His deft fingers massaged the supple mounds while he peppered them with feathery kisses. Hot breath floated over her hardened nipples, and she writhed underneath him, craving more of his mouth’s attention.
His lips closed over one sensitive bud and he sucked it between his teeth. Her spine bowed, twinges of pleasure kindling inside her. She threaded her fingers through his soft hair to keep him close, lost to the teasing sensations of his tongue.
As he shifted over to attend to the other side, his hand meandered down the front of her body. She shivered as he cupped her mound, his fingers so close to where she longed for them to be, but he kept traveling downward. After planting one more kiss on the swell of her breast, he knelt between her legs, pushing them farther apart. His lips followed the same trail his fingers had blazed, from her chest, down to her stomach and beyond. Positioning himself so his face was half hidden, he gave her one last ardent look through the dark strands of hair that had fallen into his eyes before closing his mouth around her clit.
She let out a moan as his tongue flicked across the bundle of nerves several times before he painted circles around it in broad strokes. When she squirmed beneath his precise administrations, he grabbed her by the hips and held her in place, his hands preventing her from escaping the waves of intensity wracking her body. Breathing heavily, she clutched a handful of the sheets, desperate for anything to grasp onto as he brought her closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.
The blood coursed through her veins as every sense was heightened, every nerve set on fire, all ending at his skillful mouth. He never slowed down in the slightest, and the familiar flames blossomed deep within her, ready to erupt at any moment. As the promise of climax approached, Marcus drove two fingers inside her and curled them back toward him.
She cried out as her body was no longer under her command, her limbs shaking and her muscles contracting. He refused to relent, drawing out her orgasm for as long as possible. Only when he succeeded in bringing her the utmost pleasure did he release her from his hold, pulling himself to his knees. Her chest rose and fell with ragged breaths and a light sheen of sweat coated her skin, but he’d achieved what he’d always wanted for her: she was serenely, unequivocally happy.
His fingertips on her cheek brought her out of her haze, and she glanced up to meet his affectionate stare. She continued to look down the long, lean line of his body until her gaze rested on his swollen cock. Though she struggled to breathe in an even rhythm, she wrapped her fingers around its steely shaft. “Do you need another moment?” he asked.
She shook her head, not quite able to form words yet.
“I want you,” she said between pants. “Now.”
Marcus’s hand moved down to hers, and together, they guided him toward her dripping pussy. He forged ahead until he was fully embedded inside her, pushing up his upper body with his forearms so they could continue to watch each other. Working at a deliberate pace, he began thrusting his hips, going deeper and deeper with each movement. As he increased his tempo, Geneva met him every time, their bodies colliding with vigor.
He closed his eyes, a stifled groan straining in his throat as his body tensed. She reached up and pushed his hair away from his damp forehead, leaving her hand at the side of his face. “Look at me, Marcus,” she pleaded in a hoarse whisper.
He obliged her order, and his eyelids fluttered open as he stared down at her. Folding her arms around his slender body, she pulled him into her one last time, tightening around his engorged cock. He slammed into her with his release, sending her crashing into a second orgasm, and she gripped his shoulders as she twisted in the sheets. As the inferno subsided and her muscles slackened, she slid her hands farther up his back to encourage him to fall against her.
When he moved again, Marcus slipped off to the side but kept his head resting on her chest. “You’re not going to get rid of me so quickly tonight,” she teased.
“I think it’s only midafternoon at the latest.”
“You know what I meant.” She lifted her hand to stroke his hair. “As far as I’m concerned, we don’t even have to get up to eat dinner. We can just stay in bed until tomorrow morning.”
“I’m not cooking,” he mumbled into her neck.
Geneva laughed, but somewhere in the back of her mind, her departure loomed like an ominous shadow. Not only would she be leaving his home, she was leaving his entire star system and hadn’t planned on looking back. As she continued to run her fingers through the fine strands of hair, she wondered if perhaps there was something worthwhile on this planet after all, more than she had originally thought.
Chapter Seven
At the end of her two-week stay on Pasurea, nothing had been resolved between Geneva and her parents. They wanted different things, but she refused to give up the life she had built for herself. She’d left her family home with a vague promise to maintain better communication and to make an effort to see them more often, yet deep down, she knew nothing would change.
Marcus had been the one bright spot in her entire trip, and saying her farewells to him had been more difficult. With him, there had been no assurances she would call or write or visit, and he accepted their circumstances. As she had kissed him good-bye, he’d simply wished her well and a safe trip back to the ship, doing her the favor of not mentioning any possible future reunions.
And so Geneva sat on the small shuttle, shooting through the endless expanse of space, leaving her world behind yet again. Though she had enjoyed the lazy afternoons at Marcus’s house, part of her longed to get back to her usual routine and the stricter schedule of the military ship. It was her home. It was where she belonged, and, to her surprise, she found herself looking forward to the bland meals and cramped quarters.
The ship came into view out the tiny window of the shuttle as the device encircling her wrist pinged. She pressed a button, and the glowing green letters of the incoming message popped up. In the darkness of the small vessel, the brief text was easy to read as it shimmered in front of her.
Had a great time, it was wonderful to see you. Maybe we can do it again in another nine years. - Marcus.