I hesitate. “I don’t expect you to do that…”

“Bro, come on. It’s your girl. It’s the least I can do.”

Touched, I nod. “Okay.” I give him the keys.

“We’ll bring it down to the house when we’re done,” he says, pocketing them. “You just worry about her. Is she all right?”

“Very shaken. She had her anatomy scan today and a meeting with the midwife, and I think it overwhelmed her, and then there was all the thing with the dude in the car…”

“Who do you think it was?”

“No idea. I can’t guess why anyone would want to follow her.”

“Do you think she imagined it?”

“No. She’s smart. If she says they were following her, they’re following her.”

“Fair enough. Well, I’ll keep my eyes peeled.”

“There’s a fucking idiot in her corridor, skinny guy, blond hair, Nickelback T-shirt, who knocked on her door. If you see him, say hello from me, won’t you?”

He grins. “Yeah.” He pulls out his phone. “I’ll call Damon now.”

“All right. Thanks, bro.”

“See you in a bit.”

I nod, go back to the car, and get in.

Catie has pulled on my sweater, and she’s buckled herself in and drawn her legs up. Her cheeks are wet, although she wipes them as I get in with the cuffs of the sweater that hang over her hands.

“Is the silver car there?” she whispers.

I start the Aston. “Don’t worry about that. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore.” I check the traffic, do a three-point turn, then head toward Island Bay.

We don’t say much as I drive. I’m lost in thought—I need to let Kennedy know what’s happened, and my parents. How long will the guys take to pack up her place? Probably only thirty minutes. I think I’ll run her a bath when I get in—that might stop her shivering. Should I call Mathew? I’ll see how she is. She’s just exhausted and overwhelmed. If she calms down, it might be best to let her sleep. But I won’t hesitate to ring him if I need to.

I glance in my rearview mirror, and my heart skips a beat. There’s a silver Toyota a short distance behind me. It’s too far back for me to read the number plate in the mirror. Coincidence? Somehow, I doubt it.

I slow, and the car slows too. Motherfucker.

I glance at Catie. She’s leaning back on the headrest, her eyes closed. I look in the mirror. He’s still there.

I debate whether to turn off and see if he follows, but I want to get her home. So I stay on the road, and when I reach Island Bay, I turn right, then slow as I reach the house. I open the garage door, and gently ease the Aston inside.

In the mirror, I see the silver Toyota slide past the garage.

“Stay here,” I tell Catie, opening the car door.

“What? Why?”

“Just stay here.” I get out and close the door, then walk to the edge of the garage, keeping close to the wall, and peer around.

The Toyota is parked on the roadside, just down from the house.

I watch it for a moment. Could it be an old boyfriend she hasn’t told me about? Did she take something she shouldn’t have from her father’s house, and it’s her stepmother or someone else from the family, come to get it back? I can’t think why else someone would be following her.

Well, I’ll soon find out.