
“I mean, like, our dads arereallywealthy. The company is worth billions, Catie. I’m not saying that to boast, but you should know exactly what family you’re joining.”

Jesus, billions… I’d joked about it before, but I hadn’t been serious.

“They didn’t always have money,” she continues. “None of our mums and dads did. But Neal invented a CPU when he was in his twenties, and it was fantastic, the best thing on the market by a long shot. He made an absolute fortune from it. He went on to develop a graphics card after that which has also been an international top seller. My dad’s in finance, he’s a really smart guy, and he helped Neal invest his money properly so it just kept making more. And now of course Neal’s boys have their own company and are also making big money. I do okay, too—I’m also in finance, although I’m having a break at the moment to look after Eddie.”

She has a swig of her drink, then wipes her mouth. “What I’m trying to say is that Saxon has more money than he knows what to do with. And he’s going to want the absolute best for his kids. I understand that it’s difficult for you, but I would just take whatever he offers and tell yourself you’re doing it for the babies, because they deserve the best, right?”

I nod and pick at the wrap. “He wants me to meet his parents.”

“Yeah, of course he does. They have a super-tight family. We’re all pretty tight, actually, probably something to do with losing Christian, but we’ve always spent a lot of time together, and that only increased after Christian died. Neal and Mae will be ecstatic that they’re going to have grandchildren at last. You’ll love them, and they’ll adore you.” She does up her bra, then lifts Eddie onto her shoulder and pats his back.

I can’t begin to understand what kind of a relationship I’ll have with these two people—won’t they be annoyed that I’ve sprung twins on their son without us having a relationship? Will they wonder whether I’m after his money? I don’t say anything, though, and eat my hash brown before finishing off my wrap.

“Well, have a think about your maternity care,” she says. “If I were you, I’d go with Mat’s clinic. You won’t have to wait long for appointments, and they’ve got all the equipment there. You probably won’t be able to have a home birth as you’re having twins.”

I give a short, slightly hysterical laugh at the thought of giving birth in my miniscule apartment. “That’s not a problem.”

“Do you know what a cesarean section is?”

“Yes—will I have to have one?”

“It depends on where the placenta is and how the twins are lying, and how you feel about it, too. Whether you’d prefer to try to give birth vaginally. They’ll talk you through all that, don’t worry. The important thing is that you ask if you don’t understand something. Usually they’re more than happy to explain.”

“Do you think Saxon would like to be there? At the birth, I mean?”

“I expect you’ll need a coach and four to drag him away. Knowing him, he’s going to be super-protective of both you and his sons. He’s not squeamish either. He’s going to want to know everything in great detail, and don’t expect him to stay at the head end.”

“Oh jeez.”

She chuckles. “Not all men are like it. Girl, you’ve got to know when you’ve fallen on your feet. Make the most of him. Get him to buy you stuff and fetch you ice cream or whatever else you’ve got cravings for. Boss him around. Guys like that.”


“They like to feel needed. He got you pregnant, right?”

“Well, yeah, but I was involved.”

“You might have been there, but he’s the one who did the dirty deed. Naughty boy. Make him pay for it. It’s only what he deserves.”

The two of us chuckle away at that.

“Thank you,” I say softly. “For all your help.”

“Hey, girls gotta stick together, you know? Come on, then. Bib-bab has fallen asleep.” She puts him in the stroller while I get rid of the rubbish, and then we head out into the sunshine. “Let me know when you’ve got your appointment next week. Then afterward we’ll go shopping and spend some of his money. He won’t mind you taking time off work, I’m sure.”

“Actually I finish at the company today. I was only there to cover for his secretary, Janine.”

“Oh. What are you going to do now?”

I shrug. “Temp somewhere else, I guess.”

She changes the subject to talk about baby clothes, and before long we’re back at the building. She accompanies me through to the office, then pokes her head around Saxon’s door. “Hey guys.” A chorus of replies tells me that Kip and Damon are probably in there.

“Sax,” she says, “when are you going to offer this girl a proper job?”

I freeze, startled.