“Yeah. I want to buy her a house, employ a chef to cook her three meals a day, buy the babies everything they need, and take care of her. But she’s proud, and she feels guilty, and—”

“Guilty? About what?”

“About turning up on my doorstep and having twins, about upsetting my life. She thought I must be furious.”

“She obviously doesn’t know you very well. Did you tell her you’re a teddy bear?”

“Well, I do have an image to maintain.”

“You really don’t.”

I sigh. “No.”

“So are you going to do the right thing?”

“Well, it’s not the nineteenth century, despite her fainting like a Jane Austen heroine. And her father isn’t going to come after me with a shotgun, unless he’s a zombie.”

“Good point.”

“If I’d just bumped into her in a club here in Wellington, I’d have asked her out again like a shot. Instead, I feel as if I should take it slow. I like her a lot, but I think we should get to know one another first before I get down on one knee, don’t you? If I did, she’d assume I was doing it out of duty. She’s said a couple of times that she doesn’t want anything from me.”

“That could be a knee-jerk, because she’s worried about putting on you.”

“Maybe. I’ve got time to work on that, anyway.”

“You sound like you’re smiling.”

“I’m scowling.”

“No, you’re not. You like this girl, don’t you?”

“I’m crazy about her. I’ve thought about her practically non-stop since we slept together. And now she’s here… I feel all sort of…” I can’t think how to describe it.


“Yeah! How did you know?”

She laughs. “You’ve got a girl pregnant! You’ve reaffirmed your own masculinity. You’ve proven yourself the alpha male, and now you want to protect and comfort her.”

“I do. Like a Neanderthal.”

“You’ll be producing extra testosterone, so you can do the job of the caveman and take care of his cavewoman. Don’t be surprised if you feel frisky whenever she’s around, even if she’s the size of an elephant.”

“I’m way ahead of you there, girl.”

She chuckles. “Poor Saxon.”

“I’ll survive. Anyway, the reason I’m calling is because I was wondering whether you’d take her under your wing. I’ve got to go to Auckland next week, but she has to have another scan.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, I can go with her, no problems.”

“I’m going to talk to her about it tonight. She mumbled about going to a free clinic, but I’d like her to see Mathew.”

“Oh definitely.” Mathew was also Kennedy’s obstetrician, so she’s a big fan.

“He’s going to ask Angela if she’ll be Catie’s midwife.”

“Yeah, she’ll be great. She’s really gentle and understanding.”