“Have you chosen any names?” Angela asks.

It’s a while later. The birth is all over, and I’m in a brand-new nightie. They’ve just finished cleaning up the babies, who’ve been weighed and checked.

Saxon is standing by the window holding the second twin, showing him Wellington Harbour. I have the first at my breast, and he’s clasping my finger in his tiny hand. I exchange a smile with Saxon, and he nods.

“This one’s Aidan,” I say, looking down at him.

“And this is Liam.” Saxon kisses his forehead. I shyly suggested some Irish boy names a while ago, and he really liked the two we decided on.

“Excellent,” Angela says. She writes the names on the tags and goes over to put Liam’s around his ankle. As she does it, he bops her on the nose with his hand.

“Maybe we should call him Cassius,” Saxon says, and she laughs.

I watch him as he murmurs to the baby, then turns and looks over at me. I couldn’t have done this without him. He’s been my rock—permanently at my side, telling me I can do it, and saying I’m amazing with a kind of puzzled look in his eyes.

I know I’ve surprised him with how I’ve coped—I’ve surprised myself. I’ve had a couple of periods of panic, mainly when I realized the babies were going to have to come out, and I couldn’t imagine how that was going to happen when I was already in so much pain. But I managed. And now I have two baby boys. And one tired, but very happy husband.

He walks over to the bed and perches on the side. “Which one’s the most handsome? Mine has thicker hair.”

“Mine has nice ears.”

“So does mine.” He shows me, and we laugh, as the babies are obviously identical.

“Have you thought about a system for telling them apart once the tags are off?” Angela asks.

“They both have a birthmark on the back of their necks,” Saxon says. “But they’re slightly different—Aidan’s is round, and Liam’s is oval. I’ve taken a photo of both of them and named them.”

“That’s a great idea,” she says.

“But we’re going to dress them in different colors most of the time,” I add. “To make it easier for us, and everyone else. Aidan in blue, Liam in red.” They’re currently wearing the onesies that Damon bought them.

“That’s a cool idea, too. Well, you seem to have everything under control.” She smiles. “It’s time to transfer you to your room. Then you can start receiving visitors, if any are coming!”

There are, of course, and we’ve only been in the room for about fifteen minutes when Saxon’s parents turn up. An hour later, Kip and Damon arrive, and we have a lot of fun sharing lunch together, while everyone has a cuddle with the babies.

After that, Mae and Neal leave, but other people call in, including Monica and Janine from work, and we also get phone calls and texts from everyone else congratulating us. Damon heads off mid-afternoon, but Kip stays, helping out with getting us coffee and snacks, holding one of the babies when one of us needs a break, and generally just being there with love and support for both of us.

Later, Titus calls Saxon, and we all chat for fifteen minutes on Zoom, he and Heidi admiring the twins and sending their best.

By this point, it’s nearly seven. Saxon’s dead on his feet, and so am I.

“Take him home, Kip,” I tell them. “I need to get some beauty sleep, if the boys will let me!”

“I’m sure I’d be able to stay if I ask,” Saxon says.

But I shake my head. “Go and wet the babies’ heads with your brother. Get a good night’s sleep. And come back in the morning, refreshed and raring to go. I want some time alone with my boys anyway.”

He smiles. “As long as you’re sure.”


He bends over and kisses me, long and sweet. “You look amazing,” he whispers. “So beautiful.”

“I don’t, but thank you for saying so.”

“You do.” He kisses me again. “I’ll text you later.”

“Yeah that’ll be nice.”