“Yeah,” she says. “Not too bad, considering I think I’m in early labor.”

I stare at her. “What?”

She chuckles. “Don’t panic. I realized this morning that the backache was kind of coming in waves. It’s been all over the place most of the day, but it’s getting a bit more regular now.” She looks at the Apple Watch she bought herself with her own money. “I downloaded a contraction timer. It’s really cool. You just press the button at the beginning and end of the contraction, and it monitors the length and how far apart they are.”

Stunned at how calm she is, I say, “And how far apart are they?”

“Oh, ten or fifteen minutes still. I’ve called Angela, and she’s going to come over at seven and check me out, but she said I’m okay to stay at home for a while yet if I feel all right.”


“Saxon, I’m fine. Seriously. I was going to get in the hot tub, but I thought you’d probably tell me off if I got in on my own.”

“You’re right, I would have. You want to get in now?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Come on, then. I’ll just change out of my suit.”

My heart’s racing at the thought that it’s beginning, but I’m relieved that at the moment she only seems excited. I’m sure that’ll change later, but it reassures me that we’ve done the right thing by reading about it and preparing ourselves.

She comes into the bedroom with me, and as I’m changing, she has another contraction. She sits on the bed, and I hold her hand and watch her while she breathes through it.

“Holy shit,” I say when it finally stops. “This is really happening.”

“You’re going to meet your boys soon,” she replies, and her eyes glisten. “I love you. You know that, right?”

“Of course.” I put my arms around her and hug her tightly. “I love you, too.”

“You’ve been so wonderful to me. And you’re going to be such a great dad. I’ll do my best to be a good mum.”

My heart fills with love and affection for this sweet, sweet girl. “Catie, honey. You’re going to be fantastic.We’regoing to be fantastic. We’re going to have such fun with our boys when they’re here. Come on, let’s get you in the hot tub, and we’ll try to make you as comfortable as we can until we have to go.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


I bought a hot tub a couple of months ago because Catie loves baths so much. She follows me out onto the patio, and I help her get in, as her center of gravity has been a bit off lately.

She relaxes in the bubbling spa for about forty-five minutes, then I help her out, and she dries and dresses in a comfortable top and track pants. Not long after, Angela arrives. She takes Catie into the bedroom and checks her out, then calls me in and announces Catie’s three centimeters dilated and doing really well, and that as long as she’s feeling okay, she can stay at home until the contractions are less than five minutes apart.

“You all right, Dad?” she asks as she pauses at the door.

I smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Deep breaths. You’re both doing great! Catie’s so lucky to have you. Just enjoy this time together. These hours are precious, and you’ll always remember them. Have something to eat! And try to snooze for a bit, so you won’t be too tired later.”

“Okay, thanks.” I let her out, and she promises to see us at the hospital a bit later.

I walk back into the living room, thinking what an interesting comment she made. A precious few hours. I hadn’t thought about it like that.

I settle Catie on the sofa, make us both a sandwich, then spend a while on the phone, calling my parents, Kip, and Damon, and messaging a few others to tell them it’s started, and it’s not going to be long. Catie watches me, a small smile on her face. She seems amused more than worried or nervous.

When I’m done, I sit beside her on the sofa and give her hug. “Do you want to watch a movie?” I ask.

“Hmm. Maybe a series? Something fun. I want to feel positive. I’m sure the boys know how I’m feeling!”

“All right.” I choose the most positive series I can think of—Ted Lasso.