Then, sharply, he jerks up and sits back on his heels. I stare at him as he swallows and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Whoa,” he says. “I didn’t expect that!”

I look down and see a bead of liquid on the end of my nipple.

Holy fuck. I’m producing milk.

“Oh my God.” My face burns, so I know I’ve gone scarlet. “I’m so sorry.”

He leans over me, braced on his hands. “What for?” He gives me a lazy, sexy look. “It’s very thoughtful of you to provide a mid-session snack.”

“What? Saxon!”

“I need to make sure it wasn’t a fluke,” he says, bending to my other nipple.

“No!” I squeal and try to roll onto my side, and we fight for a moment, but he takes my hands and pins them above my head so easily it shocks me. Then he covers my other nipple with his mouth and sucks again, ooh, nice and hard. I groan, feeling an unfamiliar tingle in my breast, and then he moves back again, swallows, and laughs.

“Oh yeah,” he says, and begins to thrust hard.

“Jesus.” The kinky geek is at it again. Still pinned down, I’m powerless to do anything but let him have his way with me. He grinds against my clit with each thrust, and I’m so turned on by his desire for me that it’s only minutes before I come, everything tightening in sharp pulses as I clench around him. He follows shortly afterward, and I watch his climax sweep over him through blurry eyes, loving every single thing about this man, whom I’ve legally wedded, for as long as we both shall live.


Afterward, as we lie side by side, breathing hard, he says, “Sorry.”

“No, you’re not,” I say wryly.

“I am, a little.” He rolls toward me and props his head on a hand. “I should have asked first if you minded me doing that, I guess.”

I look up into his eyes. Ahhh… he’s so fucking sexy. How come I want to do him again, seconds after we’ve finished? “It’s just all so new to me.”

“It’s new to me, too. I’ve never slept with a pregnant girl before.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t just mean that. You’re so…”

“Weird? Peculiar? Perverted?”

“Unconventional, I was going to say. I mean, despite Greta’s charming description of me, I haven’t had that many partners, and my sex life has been quite vanilla. You act as if anything goes, and that’s very eye-opening to me.”

He shrugs. “I don’t see how anything involving two consenting adults is a problem. You have a magnificent body—why wouldn’t I want to explore every inch of it?”

“The first time we slept together, I said, ‘I bet there’s nothing in bed you wouldn’t do,’ and you said, ‘Probably not.’”

“I actually said, ‘With you, probably not.’”

I smile and cup his face. “You did. So is there? Anything you wouldn’t do?”

“Once again, probably not.”


“Well, I don’t find pain a turn on.”

“So no spanking, then?”

He gives a lazy smile. “Depends if you’re naughty.”

My heart leaps. Ooh. “What about… um… toys?”