He laughs. “I can’t believe you thought I wanted you to live with me while I was seeing someone else.”

“I did think it was odd. But you’re gorgeous. I couldn’t imagine you being celibate. I assumed you’d already overloaded your Tinder app.”


“You really went four months without sex?”

“So did you, I have to point out. It’s not that difficult. Mind you, I did have to wear a wrist brace by the end.”

I giggle again, and he chuckles and kisses my neck.

“You’re right,” I whisper, “I do find the idea of watching you do that very hot.” I turn onto my back and look up at him. “Would you do that for me?”

“I might need a few minutes.”

“I didn’t mean now…”

“Oh, in that case, yeah, of course. As long as you reciprocate.” His brown eyes are very light in the sunshine.

“Okay.” I smile.

He raises a hand and picks up a strand of my hair, lifting it and letting it slip through his fingers. “Tiger-orange.”


He smiles. Then he says, “I’ve got something for you.”

“Is it lube? Because I’m going to need some if you’re intrigued about the anus-to-vagina thing.”

“What the…? Jesus, no. Are you trying to give me a coronary?”

I giggle. “Sorry.”

He rolls his eyes. “I bought you a present.” My eyes widen, and he says, “Don’t freak out. No diamonds this time.”

He shifts onto his stomach, then reaches across the bed to the bedside table. He stops the music, then opens the drawer. After extracting an item, he brings it back, clasped in his hand. Then he opens it and shows it to me. It’s a small bag with a drawstring top.

I take it from him and smile shyly. I’m so unused to presents that even the bag is a gift. It’s blue velvet, and it’s embroidered in gold thread with the words, ‘For New Parents.’ I already know I’m going to cherish it, never mind what’s inside.

Giving him a curious look, I pull the drawstring open and tip the contents onto my palm.

The coin is large, bigger than a dollar, maybe two inches in diameter. On both sides, at the top it says, ‘New Parents Decision Coin’. At the bottom it says, ‘Flip for your fate’. Above it, it says, ‘Daddy’s Turn’ on one side, and ‘Mummy’s Turn’ on the other.

“Thought it might help us when we need to sort the twins out,” he says.

I laugh. “I love it.”

He points to himself. “Daddy.” Then he points to me. “Mummy.” He smiles.

He’s lying on his front, naked, his tanned skin shining in the sunlight, still slightly damp from our lovemaking, his hair ruffled where I sank my hands into it, and with faint red marks on his back where I scored my nails down his skin. He looks just-fucked, and absolutely gorgeous. He’s the father of my children, my twins’ daddy.

And at that moment, I know he’s stolen my heart.

Chapter Twenty-Six


On Sunday, I gradually get a glimpse of what life is going to be like living with Saxon Chevalier.