“They all want to make a good impression,” she says. “They’re all nervous too.”
“They’re nervous?” That surprises me. “Because I’m having their grandchildren?”
“Well, that’s one reason. But because Saxon’s important to them, and you’re important to him.”
I glance over at where he’s stretching up to catch the ball, and think how gorgeous he is. “You think I am?”
She smiles. “He’s crazy about you. He’s a bit worried about coming on too strong, that’s all.”
I turn and look out at the view. “I think we’re both nervous about saying what we feel. It’s such an odd situation. I mean, how do we separate how we feel about each other from the fact that we’re having two children together? Or that he’s obviously very aware of my dire financial situation? I’m having his babies, so he’s going to want to make sure I’m safe and eating well. How do I know if it’s more than that?”
“He didn’t massage your feet out of duty to the babies,” she says.
I give a short laugh. “No, I suppose not.”
We watch Saxon go to catch the ball, and Kip deliberately back into him and knock him over, following which the two of them tussle. We both chuckle.
“I’m glad I passed the test,” I say.
“Oh, I knew you would. They’re not that hard to tell apart once you know them, and obviously you know Saxon very well.” She winks at me.
I try not to blush. “Do you think they have similar personalities?”
“When they were younger, they did, but I think they’ve become quite different as they’ve grown older. I mean, Mae obviously did the twin thing when they were young—dressed them the same, and tried to treat them exactly the same, so neither felt left out. And the two guys are close, and obviously share an affinity because they’re twins.”
She turns back to the view, and I lean next to her, sensing she wants to reveal something more privately.
“They are quite competitive,” she says, “and always have been.”
“I sensed that from the way you all laughed when they denied it.”
“Yeah. Kip’s fifteen minutes older, did you know that?”
“No.” I hadn’t thought about the fact that one of them would have to be born first, but of course it makes sense now.
“Kip has always teased that because he’s the oldest, he’s stronger, cleverer, and more mature, that kind of thing. When they were younger, Saxon used to get angry about it. Now he laughs it off, but I think deep down it still rankles. As kids, Kip tended to be better at things—he was a faster sprinter, better at rugby, a stronger swimmer, a better guitar player, and that would frustrate Saxon a lot.”
“It’s funny, but I hadn’t considered that side of having twins. That one might be jealous of the other.”
“Things evened out as they went through their teens and developed their own talents. Saxon was spending a lot of time with Titus, and the two of them really got into the nitty gritty of AI and had a couple of breakthroughs. Both the twins are incredibly smart, but Saxon brings more creativity to his work.”
“Someone at Kingpinz called him a visionary.”
“Oh, definitely. Titus recognized that, and he was quick to pull him into the program. I think it was a huge boost to Saxon’s confidence when Titus asked him to oversee his company.”
“So… do you think Saxon and Kip aren’t as close now?”
“Oh no, I didn’t mean to imply that. They’re fiercely loyal to one another, and always will be. It’s more that I think Saxon has this quiet, deeply buried need to be admired, more than Kip has. Saxon said to me that he liked the way you looked at him, as if he was special. I don’t think anyone’s done that before.”
“Not even his previous girlfriends?”
“No. Even Renie was off with another guy, like, a week after they broke up. I never got the feeling they were crazy about each other. Not the way you two are.” She smiles.
Her words warm me through—that he likes the way I look at him. It implies we have a connection that maybe he hasn’t had with other girls.
I like that.
Then I sigh. “I want to believe you. But he keeps telling me he wants us to wait before we get into a relationship, and it’s really hard not to think it’s because he doesn’t find me attractive, even though he insists that’s not the reason.”