Grinning, I gesture at Dad and say, “Can I have a word?”

He nods, and we both rise, leaving Catie to talk about weird cravings with the others.

We walk to the edge of the terrace, Pongo coming with us, and lean on the barrier, looking out over the gorgeous view.

“Everything all right?” Dad says.

I bend to fuss the dog. “Yeah, fine.”

“Sorry we upset her.”

“Yeah, nah, always going to happen. Especially here. I mean, look at the place. Her apartment was, like, two-foot square.”

“Jesus. Glad you got her out of there.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“She’s lovely, Saxon. Very beautiful.”

“I think so.”

“How’s she adapting to the thought of being a mum?”

I watch Pongo running back to the others. “It’s a steep learning curve for her, but we’ll get there. Look, I wanted to talk to you about William Egerton.”

“In Christchurch?”

“Yeah. Catie was being followed by a private investigator. I confronted him last night, and he admitted he’d been asked to track her down by a law firm down there. He knew who I was. I told him if I saw him again, I’d take a golf club to him.”

Dad gives a short laugh. “Good.”

“And I said if they want to talk to her, he should tell them they have to go through me. But I’m worried. I don’t want her to suddenly get a letter from them demanding money or something. So I was wondering whether William could contact Hooper & Sons and see if he can find out anything. Lean on them a little.”

“Yeah, sure, I’ll call him this afternoon.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

He smiles. “Going to be a dad yourself soon. That makes me feel old.”

“You want to be Grandpa? Or Grandad? Or Pops?”

“Jeez. Ah, I guess it’s a nice thing, right? I’ll get to spoil the kids and then give them back.”

“Is Mum okay with it all?”

“She’s in seventh heaven. I had to stop her buying every item in Baby Bump.”

I chuckle. “Once Catie’s gotten used to us, Mum can take her shopping and spoil her as much as she likes.”

“And you, Saxon. You let me know if you need anything, okay? Sometimes the dad gets forgotten about. Twins aren’t going to be easy—will you hire a nanny?”

“I don’t know how she’ll feel about that. I’m not even sure if she’ll want to go back to work, or if she’ll want to stay at home with them. We haven’t talked about a lot of those basic issues yet.”

“It was a good idea to take her on at Kingpinz.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty smart. But she can always start the uni program next year. If she does want to stay at home, I was thinking about asking Eleanor to help out, maybe to look after the babies in the afternoons sometimes. Catie might prefer that to having someone full time. I’ll ask her, in a little while.”

“Yes, there’s no rush.”