I pick up the plastic jug I use for my own hair in the bath and carefully pour water over her hair to wet it, trying to avoid her eyes. Then I pour some shampoo onto my hand, smooth it onto her hair, and begin to massage it.

“That smells nice,” she says.

“Well, it’s mine. I’ll get you some of your own with some nice perfume to it.”

“I like this one,” she says, eyes closed. “I like smelling of you.”

I smile and take my time massaging the suds in, singing the rest ofI’m Only Sleeping.Then I rinse her hair and massage in a little conditioner.

“That feels so good,” she whispers, her eyelids fluttering open.

I lean on the bath, and we look at each other for a moment. She’s incredibly beautiful, her hair a deep red now it’s wet, her skin shining in the water. I want to pull her into my arms and kiss her. Carry her into the bedroom and make love to her.

But she’s tired and exhausted, and the last thing she needs is me coming on to her, making her feel as if she has to pay for the privilege of being rescued.

Clearing my throat, I rinse off the conditioner, then say, “Shall we get you out?”


I take the towel and dry her hair as best as I can, then wrap the towel around her shoulders and help her out. As I do, there’s a knock on the door, and her eyes widen.

“It’s only Kip and Damon,” I tell her. “I’ll leave you to get dressed, okay? Come out when you’re ready.”

“All right.”

I kiss her forehead, then go out and close the door behind me.

Chapter Twenty


I walk through the house to the front door and open it. Kip and Damon are both carrying boxes, and they bring them into the living room and deposit them on the carpet.

“Only a few more,” Kip says. “She really didn’t have much.”

I follow them out to Kip’s car. “How’s she doing?” Damon asks, hefting out another box and handing it to me.

“She’s getting out of the bath. She’s tired and overwhelmed. I think she’ll be all right.” I rest the box on the edge of the boot. “The guy in the silver Toyota turned up here.”

They both look at me, startled. “What happened?” Kip asks.

I tell them, and they both frown, as puzzled as I am.

“I wonder what a law firm wants with her?” Damon queries.

“Someone hired by her stepmother?” Kip suggests.

“Maybe.” I can’t think who else would be looking for her.

“You should talk to Dad tomorrow,” Kip says. “I think William Egerton went to Christchurch to practice.”

He’s talking about one of Dad’s oldest friends. “Right, yeah. Okay, will do.”

“Are you bringing Catie tomorrow?” Damon asks as we carry the last boxes in.

“If she’ll come. Kennedy’s bringing some clothes around for her in the morning. I’ll see how she goes tonight, and if she’s feeling okay.”

“Good she’s here, though,” Kip says.