“Evie, are you okay?” Charlie asks through the door.

“Y-yeah, I just need a minute.”

Sucking in another deep breath, I hitch my dress up—not that it’s really necessary—and make use of the room.

I stare into my blue eyes as I stand at the basin to wash my hands while I try to convince myself that I can go back out there with my head held high and do the job I promised Blakely that I could do.

For once, I need to be the one to take charge, to do what needs to be done to look after our family.

You can do this.

You can do this.

With those words on repeat in my head, I dry my hands and pull the door open to find Charlie waiting with a deep frown between her brows.

“I’ve got this,” I say before she gets a chance to speak. “That was just a little overwhelming, but I’ve got this,” I repeat. It’s more for myself than it is her, but she accepts it nonetheless.

Together we walk back to the kitchen, collect refreshed trays and head back into the viper’s den.

But despite my confidence and the weirdly comforting eyes from the hot guy that I feel burning into my skin as I work my way around the room over the next few hours, things don’t improve.

In fact. They get worse.

So much freaking worse.



Awarm unwanted hand runs up the back of my thigh and I jump to the side as bile rises up my throat.

As the night progresses and with each drink we’ve handed out, the worse the atmosphere has got. Not that the men seem to mind. Or the girls up on the platforms who are shedding what little clothes they were wearing faster than I can blink.

At first, it was underwear. I swear, my eyes almost popped out of my head the first time I spotted one of them drop to their haunches and part their knees.

I’m not stupid, I know exactly what my sister does for a living, but I was not prepared to see it quite so… blatantly.

Unsurprisingly, the men ate it up and things just got worse and worse from there.

Dresses came off, body shots and coke snorting began and I was more than ready to hightail it away from this house of horrors and forget this night ever happened.

I knew when I convinced Blakely that I could handle it that I’d hate it. But I never could have predicted how much I would have hated it.

But still, something stops me from leaving.

The no drink or drugs rule seems to have flown out of the window for most of the girls at this point. I doubt anyone would notice me slip out into the night and never return.

Tingles run down my spine as I walk around the table, getting as far away from Mr. Handsy as possible. I don’t need to look back to know it’shim.

Having his eyes on me makes me feel a little safer. It might be naïve, but I want to believe that if anyone does anything I’m not happy with, he’d do something to help me.

Might be wishful thinking. He’s spending the night with these deplorable men, something tells me that he’s hardly some guardian angel sent to keep an eye on the innocent new girl.

He’s also been throwing back whisky like it’s going out of fashion and I’m pretty sure I watched him rub his nose earlier like he’d also been indulging in the cocaine that’s doing rounds.

I keep moving, happy that his focus is still on me as I empty yet another tray and try my best to keep my eyes to myself.

“You holding up okay?” Charlie asks when she refills my tray. Thankfully, she’s still sober.