That was really the only dose of reality that mattered at that point.

We drove from the busier parts of the city into a more rural area.

From there we drove to a much more quiet area.

That’s when I saw the old house.

Almost as though it didn’t belong among the modern updates to the beach city.

It had an instant cozy look to it.

Hazel led the way to the front door, then suddenly hesitated.

The key to the house was clutched tightly between her thumb and forefinger.

Her hand started to shake.

I listened as she took one deep breath.

Then she slowly turned her head and looked up at me.

Without a word… she started to cry.


This was where I didn’t need any signals to get crossed between Hazel and me.

But here was a pregnant woman crying.

I gently touched her back with my left hand.

“I’m here, love,” I said in an attempted whisper.

It came out more like a groggy growl though.

Hazel nodded.

“Don’t worry about the guys and everything else right now,” I said. “Let’s just focus on us. On what’s happening.”

“It just… there just feels like there’s no happiness to it…”

I felt like Hazel managed to cut through all my stubborn, toughed-up, scarred skin and went right for my heart.

“Happiness isn’t the same as the shit they show in movies,” I said. “But if that’s what you need right now, I’ll leave. I’ll go buy every fucking flower in this city and have it delivered to you. I’ll pay someone to fly over your house and write something in the sky.”

“Oh yeah?” Hazel challenged. “Like what?”

“Oh… maybe…Sorry for knocking you up! The sex was really good though!”

That made Hazel sputter out a quick laugh.

She stuck the key into the lock and opened the door.

It almost felt like I passed a test.

As soon as Hazel turned on the lights, she looked at me again. “Sorry about the place. It’s… complicated.”

“What’s wrong with the house?” I asked.