When Atlas texted me he was here, I walked to the door.

I took a deep breath.

Look, it’s simple.

We were able to rip each other’s clothes off and have amazing hot sex, right?

So we can handle this situation together.

I reached for the doorknob and opened the door.

When I saw Atlas, I caught myself smiling at him.

It felt good to see him again.

I suddenly didn’t feel so alone.

And speaking of not being alone, neither was Atlas.

I gasped and stepped back.

Atlas entered Hannah’s apartment… along with a bunch of other hockey players.

“I tried,”Atlas said to me.

“Holy shit,” Hannah said.

“Got anything to drink?”

“Got anything to eat?”

“Man, I don’t think this place is big enough for a baby.”

“Um,” Hannah called out. “Feel free to check the fridge.”

The hockey players descended on Hannah’s fridge.

“I didn’t ask them to follow me,” Atlas said. “They just kind of did.”

“That’s the rest of…”

Atlas nodded. “Hey, guys, get out of the fridge. Turn around for a second.”

They all spun around.

“This is Henry, Sebastian, Rome, Joe, and Jago,” Atlas said.

“And you’re the pregnant one,” Rome said to me.

“Do I look pregnant? Huh?” I asked.

“Whoa, no,” Rome said. “You look… glowing. And I know you put out on the first date.”

“I do too,” Hannah said.

Rome smiled at Hannah.

I cringed.