This is my life now?
I hovered over both the toilet and the pregnancy test.
I drank water as though it somehow flowed that quickly from my mouth to myyou-know-what.
I managed to actually cover the pregnancy test.
Go me!
Then I cleaned everything up and set a timer on my phone.
There was no pacing in the small convenient store bathroom.
So I tapped my toes, one at a time.
My mind raced.
I tracked down dates that didn’t even matter anymore.
My last period was… when?
Well, to be honest, things have been a little hectic lately.
I always just blamed stress.
But this was way too far… it was never this late.
And I felt different.
I didn’t know how to explain it.
I just did.
Something about my body…
My phone vibrated.
The timer was done.
Behind me, the pregnancy test sat on the edge of the sink.
I told myself there had to be odds of two pregnancy tests being wrong, right?
Two different kinds, purchased from two different stores… it could absolutely happen.
Of course, that only mattered if the test I just took was…
I turned and looked down.
I knockedon Hannah’s door.
My hand shook as I knocked.
I couldn’t stop knocking either.