When he said my name I felt jolts tear through my body.
My first drink had been whiskey.
A drink and toast, kind of like the night we met.
Then I switched to some mixed drink, needing a sugary buffer between me and the alcohol.
The food was great.
The setting perfect.
It began to turn into the kind of night I didn’t want to end.
“So what brought you to this team, Atlas?” I asked.
“Money,” he said boldly. “Needed a team. They needed me. That’s how I do it.”
“Nothing prestigious about it for you?”
“Look, love, I’m not out here to chase records and have a statue of me built somewhere. I know my place in this game and I’m okay with it. The money is still good.”
He smiled.
Maybe it was something common, I wasn’t sure. For me, it was the first time I really got to see Atlas smile.
And… damn… what a smile on a bad boy’s (man’s) face does to a woman’s panties…
“Now what about you, love?” Atlas asked. “Are you going to tell me why your best friend had to drag you out of your house to an event like Ellen’s? And then set you up to win a date with me?”
“You’re thinking it’s a guy,” I said. “But you’re wrong. I don’t want to dampen the mood.”
“Try me.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Okay then. I’ve been living with my grandmother for a while now as she was dying from cancer. She was given six months to live but lived another six on top of that. Now she’s gone.”
Atlas leaned back and sighed. “Shit. I’m really sorry to hear that.”
He touched his chin.
Is he showing a slight soft side?
Before another word was spoken, someone called out,“Sola sucks! You fucking suck! Go somewhere else, Atlas!”
Atlas stood right up and turned.
Two guys at the bar were laughing.
Enjoying heckling a guy like Atlas.
I stood up too and touched Atlas’s massive left arm.
“Ignore them,” I said. “Two losers at a bar without women.”
“Hey, Atlas!”one guy yelled.“Think you can defend this?”
The guy grabbed a bowl of peanuts and threw it right at us.
The bowl hit the floor a few feet away and the peanuts kind of scattered around.