Page 244 of High Stick Heartthrob

“Not just Atlas. Or you. The entire hockey team. Can you imagine when she’s a teenager and starts dating? She has some boy come over. And there’s a bunch of hockey players there?”

“Excuse me. Did you sayteenager and starts dating?” I asked, laughing. “She won’t be dating until she’s thirty.”

Hannah leaned toward me. “Then I shouldn’t mention about you as a teenager?”

“Shh,” I said.

“What? We don’t want to talk about that summer at the lake? Remember that? Isn’t that when you met some cutie and-”

“Hannah,” I said.

She laughed.

I looked down at my phone just as Atlas got back onto the ice.

Someone passed him the puck.

“He’s got it,” I said. “Juniper Evelyn, your daddy has the puck.”

Atlas skated fiercely.

Two guys went after him and he threw his shoulders at them, hitting them back.

It was actually kind of hot to see Atlas play that way.

He skated to the net and took a shot.

The goalie made a save.

I groaned.

Rome skated from out of nowhere and made a move and the puck popped free from the goalie.

Rome had a perfect shot to score.

Instead, he passed it to Atlas.

This time when Atlas took a shot, there was no stopping it.

The puck hit the back of the net and almost ripped through it.

I stood up. “He did it. He scored a goal for you, Juniper Evelyn.”

The arena cheered for Atlas and his teammates hurried to skate around him.

What did Atlas do?

He looked around to find a camera and looked right at it.

He pointed.

He smiled.

That one was for Juniper Evelyn for sure.

I looked at Hannah.

“Are you crying over a goal?”