Page 242 of High Stick Heartthrob

“This is the future,” I said. “Look around, Atlas. This is who we are. We have a daughter.”

“It’s exactly why I did what I did,” he said. “I get to stay here and play hockey. You get to take your time and decide what you want to do with your grandmother’s house. No pressure. In return for that, I made Oscar out to be a shrewd owner. And I agreed to do some events for him and the team.”

“More dates for women to win?” I asked.

“Do I smell jealousy?”

“Very funny, Atlas.”

“Don’t worry about that stuff, Hazel. This is what I want. I’m doing what I want. I never lied. I never will lie.”

“What about the Boston thing?”

“That was bad judgement on my part. I didn’t want to tell you and have you get scared. I was going to figure it out and then talk to you. I didn’t lie but I shouldn’t have hid it.”

“Okay. Fine. Thank you for saying that.”

Atlas stood up and looked down at Juniper Evelyn.

He smiled ear to ear.

“She’s growing. You can tell.”

“Still has a way to go.”

“She’s perfect, Hazel. Thank you for bringing her into the world.”

I touched my lips.

That felt like something unfair to say.

Talk about going right for my emotions.

Atlas looked at me. “I have to get going. Game soon.”

“You drove all the way here just to see her for a second?”

“Of course,” he said.

I jumped up and grabbed for Atlas.

His shirt.

My hands shaking.

He looked down at me.

Things weren’t easy between us.

Mostly because of me.

I was terrified and didn’t know what to do with it.

“You think maybe we should talk about a nursery for her?” I whispered.

“Yeah,” Atlas said. “Get everything ready. That makes sense. You tell me where.”

“I was thinking we should get a place together. You and me. And Juniper Evelyn. Obviously. You’re not going to just spend money and spoil me though. I’m going to pay my share of everything.”