Page 229 of High Stick Heartthrob

More than getting hit in the face with a fist or a puck.

More than getting stitches without being numbed.

More than any pain hockey gave me.

This pain was real and it was deep.

Deep in my heart and deep in my soul.

But Joe just reminded me of something.

My instinctual desire to fight.

And the fight for my little Juniper Evelyn and Hazel… it was the greatest fight of my entire life.

Chapter Forty-Two


I hadto leave the hospital without my baby.

The worst experience of my life.

As I walked outside and felt the warm west coast sun touch my face, my eyes welled with tears.

Hannah grabbed my right hand and squeezed it tight.

To my left, Atlas walked alongside me.

I had no choice in the matter.

He was there.

Always there for me.

Our conversations were based on the wellbeing of our little Juniper Evelyn.

The good news was that she was doing well.

Her tiny body responded to everything it needed to.

But she was still a long ways from coming home.


I couldn’t even mentally fathom the idea of home or what home was or where it was or what it looked like.

Hannah drove me home.

Atlas followed the entire way.

I stared in the mirror the entire time, watching him.

Hannah didn’t say a word.

When I arrived back to Gram’s house, the emotion hit even harder.

I had the same empty feeling as I did the day of her funeral.