Page 209 of High Stick Heartthrob

“I need Atlas!” I cried out.

“You’ll get him,” Charles said to me. “I promise you that, Hazel.”

“He’s at a fucking game!” I yelled. “He’s at a fucking game playing!”

I vaguely remember maybe hearing Charles laugh a little.

Maybe he and Hannah were making fun of me.

If they were - I hated them.

They didn’t know this pain.

Also – did anyone calculate how many weeks I was?

I was too early! Way too early!

I still had months to go!

I could not be in actual labor here!

Thoughts racing, they took over the pain for a little bit.

At some point, I remember being helped into a wheelchair.

Charles was there.

Two nurses in baby blue scrubs were there.

I remember yelling, “I’m having a girl! Why aren’t you wearing fucking pink? I think I have to pee! I think I have to poop! I have to push! Help me!”

I remember seeing Hannah running toward me.

I remember crying. A lot.

Hannah hugging me, telling me one thing.

“He’ll be here.”

I don’t remember from there how I ended up in a hospital bed, in a labor and delivery room.

It all happened in waves.

In the bed.

Nurses around me.

Hannah grabbing my hand.

Charles at my side too.

Two doctors rushing in and out of the room.

They talked. They used medical terms.

I heard one word that made me want to scream.

Nothing made sense in those tender moments.