Page 195 of High Stick Heartthrob

She had forgotten dinner plans with Hannah.

We made out again like crazy in the front seat of my truck.

I drove back to my apartment doing something I never did before.

Planning shit out.

Thinking about a house on the beach. Or a big condo.

Something suitable for the three of us.

Three of us.

It was a lot to think about and I wasn’t afraid to dive right in.

When I got back to my place, I grabbed a beer and stood at the living room window.

My phone rang.

I secretly hoped it was Hazel, calling to tell me the plans with Hannah fell through and she wanted to see me instead.

It wasn’t Hazel calling.

It was Tucker.

“You sitting down?”

“Why?” I asked.

“Stand up, so you can celebrate.”

“Celebrate what?”

“Pack your bags, Atlas. You’re going to Boston.”

“I’m going… what?”

“One of the top defensemen blew out his shoulder last night. Season’s over for him. But Boston thinks they can make a run. They’re offering a lot to get you, Atlas. The biggest payday of your career is waiting.”

“Across the country,” I said.

“Yeah? So?”

I had no response.

Tucker was used to me sayingwhateverand having my few bags packed in an hour or less.

“You’re in shock, huh?” Tucker asked. “Just wait until I tell you how much they’re willing to pay you. This part you might want to sit down for.”

Tucker rattled off a gigantic number.

I moved the phone away from my ear.

I heard him call my name a couple times.

If I got traded then that meant I had lied to Hazel.

For the first time ever.