Page 176 of High Stick Heartthrob

A slow, pressure-filled kind of feeling rushed over me.

Head to toe, taking control.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his strong chest.

I felt myself climaxing before he was halfway inside my body.

The orgasmic rush was met by Atlas thrusting.

Taking and loving me.

With the shower water hitting us both.

Lost in a yet another moment I would never forget between us.

Was it so bad to want this to be my forever?

I wrestledwith a brush through my knotty, wet hair.

Atlas stood in the doorway of the bedroom, arms folded, looking dreamy.

Mean and dreamy.

“Want to brush my hair?” I asked.

“Do you really want me to brush your hair?”

“No. I’m kidding. You’re just staring at me. It feels weird.”

“I can’t look at you?”

“Why are you looking at me?”

“I like this. I’ve never said that before to someone. But I like this.”

I turned around. “Have you ever had a woman in your room like this?”

“Pregnant? No.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“This. A woman brushing her hair after a shower.”

“You want to know about other women?”

“Maybe I do.”

“Are you going to tell me about your exes? How many men have you had in the shower with you?”

“Well, if you want to know… my last boyfriend was afraid of my vagina.”

Atlas snorted. “What?”

“That’s right. He told me he didn’t like the look of it. Not just mine. All vaginas.”

“Are you sure he didn’t prefer something other than a vagina?” Atlas asked.