Page 173 of High Stick Heartthrob

“You have to feel something though, right?” Jago asked.

“I feel a lot,” I confessed. I smiled. “More than I care to share with you assholes though.”

I stood up.

I looked around.

It felt like the perfect kind of night to go out, get drunk, pick a fight or two, and see what kind of insanity Rome and Jago could find.

Yet all I could think about was taking a shower and getting home to Hazel.

I thought about it.

Getting home to Hazel.

That word.

Not Hazel.

The word home.


I never knew what that meant until now.

My home… was with Hazel.

Chapter Thirty-Two


All I wantedto do was take a quick shower before leaving.

Here I thought Atlas had enough the night before.

The two of us in his bed for hours, touching, kissing, exploring, until I finally collapsed on top of him and fell asleep in a comfortable bliss.

I slept so good that I woke up and had no idea what day it was. What hour it was.What year it was…

Those were the best nights of sleep.

I stepped into the shower and shook my head.

The fancy shower that Atlas had.

I know he didn’t pick the shower out or anything, but it was funny to imagine him worrying about a shower like this.

With five hundred ways to get sprayed.

Fancy tile.

A small window with a shelf that looked out to the beach.

I mean,come on, that view alone probably doubled the rent.

As for me?

I loved the shower.