Page 117 of High Stick Heartthrob

She rolledto the edge of the bed, taking the covers with her.

I touched her left hip.

The two of us hesitated in that moment.

Fuck hesitation.

I pulled her closer to me.

My hand moved over her stomach.

Protection. Powerful.

My heart thumped damn hard.

Well beyond the enjoyment of sex and the way Hazel’s body clenched against me as I came…

“Atlas,” Hazel whispered.

“Shh,” I said. “I’m not moving.”

She moved her left foot back a little, hooking it over my left knee.

My left hand moved up her body, exploring her breasts.

Gently touching them, one at a time.

Then I moved my hand back down.

Back to her stomach.

Then to her hip.

I held there. Tight. Firm.

You’re safe here. Safe with me. Just sleep, love. Just… fall asleep…

Hazel put a hand to mine.

If she told me to leave, I would.

If she told me to fuck her again, I would.

“Atlas,” she said. “This changes nothing between us.”

I gritted my teeth.

I didn’t respond.

She could protect herself from me all she wanted.

I told myself maybe I should start to protect myself from her.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Hannah pouredwater into a wineglass for me.