Page 108 of High Stick Heartthrob


Was it fate that had me cave, go out with Hannah and end up on a date with Atlas?

Was it fate that made my panties disappear when I ended up in Atlas’s bed?

It made me think of something Gram told me a few times.

“Fate is the blank page and pencil. Reality is the words you write.”

I wasn’t sure if that made sense but it sounded nice.

“No apology for that?” I asked.

“Apology for what?” Atlas growled. “For caring?”

“Now you care?”

“Who said I didn’t care?”


“Hey, hold on a second here, love,” he said.

He put his massive left hand out. I hated myself at how much I wanted to touch that huge, strong hand. Clasp it to my breast. Make him squeeze my aching breast until I whimpered.

“Think about this from my point of view,” he said.

That snapped all sexual fantasy out of my head.

“You have a point of view in this?” I asked.

“I didn’t hear from you for a month, Hazel. You stormed out of my place, pissed about a comment that you took out of context.”

“Oh, you’re a real asshole, Atlas.”

“Hold on, dammit,” he growled. “I didn’t know what you wanted me to do. I’m not going to chase you around with flowers, begging for your forgiveness. I’m not ever going to be that guy. But the second you texted me about that appointment, what happened? I hurried over. And why did you wait until the last second, huh? No warning? But I showed up. I walked into that room and the tension…”

“Yeah, I felt it.”

“No, love. You didn’t feel what I did. That ultrasound tech looked at me like I was some abusive guy. She was ready to call the police on me. That fucking sucked.”

Oh… wow…

I touched Atlas’s hand.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

“Any chance we can both own that and move on?” I asked. “That was horrible for you, Atlas. And it was horrible for me. She looked at me like I was…” I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. Do you still have the ultrasound pictures?”

“Of course I do,” he said as he stepped closer to me. “In my gym bag. I look at them every single day.”


“When have I ever lied to you, Hazel?”

I nodded. “Right.”

He reached with his right hand and tried to tuck some of my hair behind my ear.