I groaned as I walked to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

I told myself to take a cold shower. An ice cold shower.

Just so my fingers and thoughts didn’t get too playful when it came to thinking about Atlas.

I satin the waiting room and looked around.

There were two other pregnant women.

Very pregnant women.

One woman sat alone.

Another sat next to a guy and they held hands.

I sat with my phone in my right hand, chewing on my bottom lip like there was gold waiting to be found.

I glanced at my phone again.

The text message already typed out.

Ready to go.

I just needed to hit…

I looked to my left and touched the screen.

Without looking I managed to send the text to Atlas.

There. I did it. He knows I’m at the doctor. He knows where I am.

I mean, sure, it’s super last second. I’m going to get called in any minute now.

But at least I reached out, right?

I swallowed hard and took a deep breath.


I stood up and a nurse with a super high-top blonde bun and white scrubs with pink pandas on them waved to me, then escorted me into the back.

I had to do the wholestand on the dreaded scaleroutine.

This was one time in life where gaining weight was a good thing.

“So how are you feeling?” the nurse asked.

“Bigger,” I said with a smile.

“Feeling any flutters and kicks?”

“A little,” I said. “No uppercuts yet.”

“That’s good,” the nurse said. “Any concerns?”

“Nope,” I said.

“Perfect,” she said. “We’re going to get some pictures of the baby and then Dr. Riley will be in to chat. Sound good?”