In place of words, he offered his mouth to mine.

His left hand touched the back of my head and his lips touched my lips.

My knees bent.

His right hand moved up the t-shirt even more.

I groaned into his mouth.

A desperate groan.

I didn’t care what it sounded like.

It had been weeks.

It had actually been months.

Atlas was the last man who touched me.

And now… here he was again…

His right hand moved over my left breast.

I thrust my chest against his hand with more force.

His big, strong,toughhand.

My entire body shivered.

He moved his hand, using his thumb to tease my nipple.

His tongue swept through my mouth with perfection.

That’s where the kiss ended.

His right hand moved to my back and he pulled me against him.

The two of us staring at each other.

“We really can’t be doing this, love,” Atlas whispered. “You can’t look at me with those eyes with this happening.”

“Then I won’t,” I said.

I turned around.

Even I surprised myself with that move.

When I turned, it placed Atlas’s right hand now to my right breast.

I pressed the back of my body to the front of his.

His hand cupped my breast as he let out a growl.

He cupped harder…and harder… and just a little harder…

I whimpered, which was my cue to stop right there.

He held me like that.