On top of that, Hazel actually answered the call.

She had every chance to hang up on me.

To laugh at me before hanging up.

To take enjoyment in the fact that I was in jail and she was probably in bed.

Instead of all that, Hazel groaned and wanted to know the address.

So that’s why I stood inside the jail cell with the guy I beat up crying his eyes out.

“Man, I didn’t mean it,” he sobbed. “I didn’t mean a thing. I’m just… I just got so mad…”

I looked at him. “Pull yourself together. Nothing will happen. If you even think about pressing charges against me, I’ll bury you and I’ll destroy your life.”

The guy looked at me. “Can I get some hockey tickets?”

“No,” I said.

The officer appeared again and opened the cell for me.

“I’m a free man?” I asked.

“You’re something,” he said. “How does this play out with the team and the league?”

“Depends on how things are filed,” I said. “If it becomes a spectacle, then I’m in trouble. If it’s just a night out, then oh well. I’m not famous enough to be worried about.”

The officer looked at the other guy. “Shit. He’s crying.”

“Like a baby,” I said. “I made it clear to him that nobody will be pressing charges.”

“Less paperwork for me then,” the officer said. “Plus, you’re in deep shit as it is.”

He then led the way toward a desk where I saw Hazel signing some papers.

She stood, turned and looked at me.

My eyes moved right down to her belly.

It had only been a week since I last saw her.

But she now looked really pregnant.

As soon aswe were outside the police station, she turned toward me again.

My eyes moved down to her stomach again.

I had a feeling she wanted to slap me.

Which I more than deserved.

My hands reached for her belly.

She slapped my hands away. “What is wrong with you?”

“You’re pregnant, Hazel,” I whispered.

“Yeah… and…?”