After telling him to leave me alone, he kept going.

Then he started grabbing me.

Pulling at my shirt. My arm. Telling me stories about the Sola Empire that I didn’t give a fuck about.

I told him I wasn’t in the mood to talk about hockey.

I had other things on my mind.

But he kept pushing at me.

I eyed the bartender for help.

Even the bartender couldn’t get this guy to stop.

So I had no choice.

I had to hit him.

One punch to the nose and the guy fell and smacked his face off the bar.

After that?

It turned into a blur that ended with both of us in handcuffs.

Lucky for me, the arresting officer knew who I was and followed theSola Empireso he helped me to not be seen as best as he could.

I had a hunch that the bartender threw a few goodwill comments my way when the cops were trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

That didn’t mean I got away scot-free from it all though.

My hands were cuffed in front of me and I got a ride to the police station.

Then they tossed me and the guy I beat up in the same cell.

When the officer told me to make my call, he figured I’d call my agent or lawyer.

I mean, why not, right?

I was a mostly famous athlete.

The perks of my job was to be able to get into trouble and then pay my way out of it.

And I probably should have called Tucker.


A big but.

A really big but.

At the last second, I decided to call Hazel.

A split-second decision change in my mind.

It almost felt like it wasn’t even my mind making the decision.

It just… happened.