“Defending you.”

“Hardly. I think he was looking for a fight. Or an excuse to get out of there.”

“Yeah, to get out of there and get you into bed.”

“And it worked,” I said, nodding down to my stomach.

“Okay,” Hannah laughed, “go on with your story.”

“I just told it,” I said. “We were talking and then he said something stupid like that. So I hit him. I think I kind of wanted to hit him from the moment I saw the positive pregnancy test. But does that make me a bad…mother?”

The word rattled throughout my body.


I’m going to be a mother.

No. Wait.

I am a mother right now.

I’m pregnant.

I stood up and dropped the bag of frozen peas to the floor.

I made a run for the door to get outside.

My body suddenly demanded fresh air.

Comfortable, cool air soothed my lungs but nothing else.

I sat down on the back steps and hugged myself.

It took Hannah only seconds to join me.

We sat in silence.

After a minute or so, Hannah rocked herself into me. “Too bad we can’t smoke.”

“You can,” I said.

“Never. Not near the baby.”

I glanced at Hannah. “Please, tell me you’ll be there for me, no matter what.”

“Don’t even let that worry take up a second of your time,” she said. “Or an inch of your mind. Got it?”

I nodded.

“I’m serious, Hazel. I’ll be right by your side when you need me. No matter what. I gave up a great tongue to talk to you.”

“And then you gave up five more.”

Hannah groaned. “Don’t remind me. I can’t stop thinking about which of those hockey players would be the biggest. If you know what I mean.”

“I think I can answer that,” I said with a devilish grin.

“Stop it.”