And I swore I saw…


I ripped open my bag and swiped my phone up.

It was Hazel.

A text.

Hey Atlas - it’s Hazel. Can we talk?

“What’s that look on your face for?” Rome called out.

I lifted my gaze. “What?”

“You almost looked happy for a second there.”

“Fuck off, it’s nothing,” I growled. “Just someone looking for something from me.”

“Like what?” Henry asked.

“Either tickets or my dick,” I said.

Rome whistled and cheered.

Jago grabbed a chair and sat next to me.

He had a pretty boy look and smile to himself.

“Who is this new friend of yours?” Jago asked.

“Is that your business?” I asked.

“Come on, Atlas, loosen up a little,” Henry said. “You don’t have to have a stick up your ass all the time.”

“We’ve all done it,” Sebastian said.

“What’s that?” I asked. “Stuck stuff up your ass?”

“Some people are into it,” Rome said with a shrug.

“Keep your ass away from me,” Joe growled at Rome.

“No, listen,” Sebastian said. “Women love hockey players. They know we’re rough and tough, and dirty. They also know we clean up real nice.”

“And they know we aren’t afraid of fights,” Jago said.

I looked at the goalie of theSola Empire. “You do a lot of fighting?”

“Ejected from three games last season,” Jago said.

“He’s brutal,” Sebastian said. “Loves to fight. If he can’t get the other goalie to take him on, he goes after anyone on the ice.”

“Sounds like that makes my job harder,” I said.

“You’ll see what it’s like,” Jago said. “Now back to yourice groupie…”

I chuckled for a second. “Ice groupie. That’s a good one. Believe me, this is nothing.”