Page 238 of High Stick Heartthrob

He cleared his throat.

“Allow me to apologize,” Tucker called out. “As you can imagine, it’s been a very trying time for Atlas and his family. I had no idea what his intentions were here. Why don’t we just-”

“Tucker, shut up,” Ellen said.

Tucker closed his mouth.

Oscar walked behind his desk. “Okay, Atlas. You have my attention.”

“I’m sure you’re a busy man. I’ll keep this simple. You’re going to call Boston and cancel the deal. You’re going to tell them you’re not interested.”

Oscar let out a laugh. Then he looked at me. “You’re serious?”

“Oscar, did you hear me?”

“Atlas, that’s not how this works. I’m sorry, but you’re an asset to this organization. You knew that going into this. This has been your entire career. Boston is in a desperate position and they’re going to overpay for you. I can’t turn that down.”

“You will turn it down,” I said. “You have no choice.”

“Don’t you dare try threatening me right now. Look, I’m sorry for what’s happening with your daughter, but that doesn’t-”

I launched my right hand across the large desk and pulled Oscar toward me.

He was halfway off the desk, his back arched, head back, face turning red.

“I didn’t say this was a negotiation,” I said. “Or even a conversation. If you don’t cancel the trade, I’ll refuse to go. I’ll fuck everything up for you. Better yet, I’ll just retire. I’ll walk away from hockey.”

“You wouldn’t,” Oscar said.

“For my daughter and for the woman I love, there’s nothing I won’t do,” I said.

“Atlas, he’s turning purple,” Tucker said. “It does you no good hurting him and ending up in jail. How does that help your daughter? Think about her.”

I pushed Oscar away.

He grabbed his throat and chest and coughed.

He turned and looked out the window.

Everyone stood in silence.

“Here’s the way it goes,” I said. “You tell Boston,no thanks. You extend my contract two more seasons. I won’t ask for a dime more either. I’m not here to shake you down, Oscar. I have to be here. I have to live here. I can’t be chasing flights to see my family. And guess what this does? It gives you power.”

Oscar looked back at me. “How so?”

“You took a massive deal and told a team to fuck themselves. It shows you have big balls. And I’m going to get this team in the winning column. Mark my words. We’re going to be big, fierce, fast, and fucking mean. These fans are going to pack the arena to see me play. And not just the fights.”

“I’m not sure I agree with your thinking,” Oscar said.

“I didn’t ask if you agreed or not.”

Oscar looked at Ellen.

Then at Tucker.

“Again, Oscar, I am so sorry,” Tucker said.

“This is between us,” I said to Oscar. “Don’t look at anyone else. This is you and me talking. What was life like when Timmy was a baby?”