Page 221 of High Stick Heartthrob

Hannah smiled ear to ear. “That’s right. That was…”

“You came rushing back to tell me all about it. Wasn’t he the first guy you-”

“I don’t kiss and tell.”

I snorted. “Yeah. Right.”

“Hey, we could make this even.”


“You kissed my guy. Maybe I can kiss yours. Now.”

“You want to make out with Atlas? Go for it. I don’t care.”


“I’m not doing this with you.”

“Right. Sorry. Let’s change the subject. How about these sandwiches. We can’t let them go to waste.”

Hannah moved from the bed.

“Did you really show someone your boobs to get these?” I asked.

“It doesn’t matter now. The damage is done.”

I sighed.

The hospital room door opened again.

This time… Atlas walked in.

Hannah had a bite of sandwich in her mouth when she looked back.

“Ut-oh,”she said with her mouth full.

“It’s okay,” I whispered to Hannah. “Leave us alone for a minute.”

Hannah walked by Atlas, shaking her head.

This was the first time I was alone with Atlas since I heard the truth about what was happening with his life.

“Hazel, can we talk?” Atlas asked.

I pointed to my sandwich. “Turkey and cheddar. It’s a boob sandwich.”

“A what?”

“Boob sandwich,” I said. “Apparently Hannah showed her boobs to get the sandwich for me.”

Atlas glanced at the food for a second.

Then his sight went right back to me.

“Can we talk?”

“If it’s about our daughter, sure.”