Page 218 of High Stick Heartthrob

“I won’t.”

I stood up and reached for my phone.

I had already texted Tucker and Henry to let them know what was happening.

TheSola Empirelost the game in overtime, not that it mattered at all to me or my life.

I texted Tucker to grab some books on his way to the hospital.

Henry had already texted back that they were on their way.

It had become sports news that I left in the middle of the game because Hazel went into labor early. It was probably the most I had ever been mentioned on any sports show or on social media other than people making lists of their favorite hockey fights.

“Hey, Juniper Evelyn,” Hazel said. “I hope you know how much I want to hold you. And I’m going to hold you very soon, okay? You just keep resting. I’m going to be right by your side the whole time. Either me or your dad.”

I reached for Hazel’s right hand.

She took a deep breath.

She fought tears once more.

We fell into silence.

It wasn’t exactly comfortable.

Just reality really starting to set in for both of us.

I had officially reached my worst nightmare as a father already in that I couldn’t do a thing for my daughter.

I pictured myself building a toy for her.

Or helping her learn to ice skate.

Helping her learn to ride a bike.

Holding her in the ocean so she knew she was safe.

I pictured myself checking under her bed and in her closet for monsters.

I pictured myself dressing up in a suit and buying her flowers for aDaddy-Daughterdate dance thing where I would show her how she needed to be treated by any other person out there in the world.

But this?

Watching her in the NICU?

I couldn’t do a thing.

A short while later, Tucker arrived with a book.

Hazel wanted to read to Juniper Evelyn so I stepped out of the room.

The guys had arrived too.

I met them near the elevators.

They all attacked me at the same time.

A bunch of huge hockey players wanting to hug me.