Page 168 of High Stick Heartthrob

The same thing happened again after Henry’s goal.

That pissed me off.

So I took it out on someone.

A guy namedButler.

I took him into the boards so hard, the entire team wanted a penalty.

It was a clean hit.

Butler fell to the ice and I started to mess with him.

Pushing at his back.

“Get up, fucker,” I yelled. “Get up and hit me right now. Or do you perform better on your knees?”

Someone hit me from the right side.

I dropped my stick and gloves, ready to fight.

The enforcer for Denver was named Dallas.

A huge guy.

Someone else hit me from behind.

The refs blew their whistles.

Joe came in and pushed Dallas out of the way.

Everyone started to push and shove each other.

The crowd loved the idea of a real hockey brawl.

I turned as someone put their arm around my neck, trying to contain me.

I threw a punch and heard a yell.

That’s when I felt an elbow to my left eye.

By the time it was all said and done, the guy who tried to contain me was missing a tooth.

And just above my left eye, I was busted open.

The refs ordered me off the ice to get looked at.

As I skated to the bench, I passed Sebastian.

“Win this fucking game,” I said to him. “Don’t fucking stop for a second.”

Sebastian tapped me with his stick and nodded.

Off the ice and escorted right down the hallway with a towel to my face, I was back in one of the trainer’s rooms.

“Stitches or glue?” I asked the trainer.

“You got lucky,” he said to me. “Just needs pressure to stop the bleeding.”