Page 146 of High Stick Heartthrob


“A minute ago. When you were holding up the picture of my topless grandmother.”

“Comparing you and her?” I smiled.

“Yeah. You said… about me in the future.”

“Yeah. I was getting an idea of what you’re going to look like. And I must say, I give it two thumbs up.”

“Stop. Wait. You’re thinking about when I’m in my sixties. You think we’re going to be together that long?”

“Oh, love,” I said. I reached out and touched her left cheek. “We’re having a baby together. We’re already together. Forever. That’s how this works.”

Hazel blinked a few times.

Then she swallowed hard.

I realized what I had just said and done.

It even shocked me. Almost as much as the topless picture of Hazel’s grandmother.

I was just romantic.

I was just sweet.

And I didn’t mind it.

“Okay,what do we do with this?” Hazel asked.

“It’s your grandmother. I mean, either burn them or save them. If you save them, get a safe and hide them there.”

“I just don’t get it. Or maybe I do. I don’t know.”

I scooped up the handful of pictures and flipped them over.

That’s when I saw something written on the back of one of the pictures.

Remember this one?

With a heart. And a handwritten wink face.

I looked at the picture.

Hazel’s grandmother in a long t-shirt, pulling it tight against her body.

This picture was meant for someone. Or given to someone and given back?

I found a flap inside the folder and opened it to find pieces of paper.

“Hazel,” I said. “I think…”

I took the papers out and opened one.

Dearest Evelyn,

Your beauty makesmy heart race.

As promised, I looked, smiled, and am returning these pictures.