Page 8 of Starts with You

He peers into my eyes, his own awash with worry. His hands shake as he rubs them up and down his face. “I get that, but how was she doing? Was she nervous? I doubt she’s okay being alone and going into surgery. You should’ve demanded they let you in the operating room.”

“I’m not a doctor,” I protest.

His mouth purses in frustration. “Yes, but you could’ve stayed there until the anesthesia kicked in.”

“Why would I do that?”

He scoffs. “Who the fuck knows? I… never mind. I’m losing my fucking mind.”

I follow his gaze to his laptop and notice the bags under his eyes have grown deeper since earlier. “You’ve been working?”

“Gathering some information. The software I gave toGeek4lifeis tracking Teddy’s phone. I’ll try to convince him to use it with Seth’s too.” He smirks.

“You can’t use Piper’s family to kill the Zs.”

Finn’s brow furrows. “I have to, Derek. We might lose them again for years if we don’t take this chance.”

“Can you set your hunger for vengeance aside and think of someone else?”

“Fuck you, Derek. I’m always putting everyone else’s needs first. You might think this is for me, but if we don’t take care of them, they will come back and kill her family. All of them. You and I know what they’re capable of doing.”

I scrub a hand down my face. He’s right. We need to end them now. This is the best opportunity.

“What’s the plan?”

“I haven’t come up with one yet. It depends on what we can do with the intel we’re gathering. For starters, I think The Organization is going to use Seth Bradley as bait. He did something to the Zs that pissed them off.”

I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms, trying to steady myself. What else has he lied about? “Do you remember him?”

“Who?” Finn furrows his brow.

“Seth Bradley. Do you remember him at all?”

He glares at me. “Remember him from where?”

I glare at him as if saying,I don’t fucking believe you.

“Why would I lie? I would’ve said something if I remembered him,” he says defensively.

My nostrils flare and I retort sternly, “I just found out that you remember Piper. What else are you hiding?”

“I dreamt of her, but I’m not sure what it means, and maybe it doesn’t matter at all.” Is he changing what he said earlier?

I want to confront him, but this isn’t the time or the place to discuss his past or who I think he might be.

He scratches his beard and narrows his eyes in thought before saying, “I sent a message to Walter to round up the team. They’re on standby. We’re flying back in the jet tonight and we’re activating everyone in the roster.”

And with that, his focus is back on business and he’s shoving all of his emotions into the deepest recesses of his mind so they can’t escape.

“I’m not leaving Piper alone here in the hospital,” I warn him.

Finn lets out an exasperated growl. “Derek, this is more important.”

I shoot him a hard glare. “Your priorities are off if you really believe that.”

“No, I’m being realistic. Unless we get rid of the Zs, Piper and her entire family will be dead within a few weeks.”

He’s right, but Finn has plenty of people who can help him out with this mission. He doesn’t need me. “I’m staying. I can’t imagine what would happen if she woke up with no one around.”