Page 73 of Starts with You

He nods. “My therapist suggested it. Myles included Kingston in the mix.”

I look at him in disbelief. “This is huge. You haven’t fired your counselor. You’re getting along with others… and learning about who you were before the accident.” I whistle. “It’s like you’re a new man.”

“If you don’t learn about your past, you can’t have a better future,” he says mockingly. “That’s my father pushing me to get to know my former family.”

“I can be there for you. Do you want me to bring something?”

He shakes his head. “Nah, I’m having Jared take care of that part. Have you heard from Piper?”

“Not a word,” I answer the same way I do every morning and every night before we say goodbye. “Have you asked Seth about her?”

“Not after he told me I should understand how my newlife affects her and to stay the fuck away from her.” He runs his hand through his hair, exasperated. “I wish I knew what that means.”

I shrug. “It’s probably the fact that you own a company that does what she hates.” I let out a loud and almost painful breath as bitterness tinges every word. “Remember, that’s one of the reasons she didn’t want to be with me.”

He frowns, his eyebrows furrowing together. “Well, that’s fucked up. At least I have you, right?” He halts and looks away for a moment before meeting my gaze, searching for an answer he already knows.

Yet, I nod slowly. I’m not sure if he’s asking about our friendship or something else, but I’m not ready to discuss either one of them.

* * *

A coupleof hours after I arrive at the practice, I finally settle into my office. I’m just about to turn on my computer to check my emails, answer messages, and schedule therapists for next month when my phone rings. It’s Finn. “Dinner is canceled. Can you come to my place now?” His voice sounds strained, as if he’s desperate for help.

Usually, I’d remind him that I have work to do, but my heart tells me that he needs me. “I’ll be there soon, don’t do anything stupid.” I hang up, not waiting for an answer.

I set off toward his apartment, wondering what could have compelled him to ask me for help. What if he recovered some of his memory? Would I lose him if that’s the case? It’s not like I’ve ever had him. Two kisses and nothing more is all we’ve shared between the two of us.

Not so different from Piper.

If they find each other, I’ll be happy for them, but what’s my role if that happens?

When I arrive, Finn answers the door wearing a pinstriped suit that makes him look delicious. He’s also carrying the keys to his Aston Martin.

“We’re going to visit her fucking lawyer,” he says. I can tell from his tight jaw and clenched fists that he’s afraid of what we’ll face there.

“I’m lost. Whose lawyer?” I ask, confused.

“She… Why is Piper so fucking infuriating?” he growls, shutting the door loudly and locking it immediately. “I haven’t heard from her in months, and suddenly she sends this.”

He waves a big yellow envelope I didn’t notice he was holding when I first arrived.

I study it but other than Finn’s name and address, nothing clues me in on why he’s upset and what Piper has to do with it. “What is that?”

“She returned every single thing Archer St. James gifted her—but I’m not him. Why is she doing that?” He heads to the elevator. “We’re getting answers from her lawyer.”

Shouldn’t we go and visit her?I don’t ask but follow him to his car. Maybe this is the ball that will start moving things between us—or ending them for good.



The car rideis almost silent, with only the occasional blare of a horn breaking in. Derek clutches the large yellow envelope in his hands as if it were a ticking time bomb, while I try my best to stop my hands from shaking by gripping the wheel.

Neither one of us says a word after we park the car and ride the elevator. The silence is deafening, but it’s better than having a painful conversation abouther.

When we reach the reception desk, I get more frustrated. “Mr. Everhart-Langdon is busy at the moment. Would you like to make an appointment? His next opening is in three months unless you want a virtual meeting with him. Then we can squeeze you in next Friday.”

Is this woman for real? I have to speak to him now.