Page 69 of Starts with You

“But you didn’t.” Seth grins confidently.

“Travis, don’t believe anything he’s told you. He’s our enemy. Part of the men who tried to kill you before your accident.”

A voice from the communicator suddenly cuts through the conversation. “Ninety seconds before detonation. You need to be out in less than thirty seconds.”

Satisfaction washes over me as I see the terror in his eyes. “Son, please don’t do this. They’re—” I hold my breath and pull the trigger.

Bang.I shoot him in the chest. That bullet is for me and all the fucking mind games he played. All those times I had to do something against my will to survive.

I squeeze the trigger again, and a second loud bang echoes through the basement. This time it hits him in the head. His body slumps on the ground. That bullet is for those who died because of him.

I’ve done it. I’ve stopped him—forever.

I take a step back and survey the scene with satisfaction. I’ve done what I set out to do. Adrenaline courses through my veins and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

It’s finally over.

“Get out of the house. Now!” someone urges us, and I hear the countdown start through the communicator.

Seth and I run, making our way toward the designated location. As we get out of the house and sprint through the trees, Seth shouts over the chaos, “Why did you wait to shoot him?”

I smirk and reply between breaths, “He used to say not to kill anyone until they begged for their life. I thought it would be poetic to follow his instructions for the first time while executing him.”

Seth shakes his head and mutters something about me becoming an asshole when I have a gun. I respond with a warning that he should never piss me off during a mission.

We hear the electronic voice saying one and immediately we lay prone against the ground for safety. With a loud whoosh and a quake, the house erupts in flames. We stand up, brushing dirt off our clothes as we stare at the blazing inferno in front of us.

I release a long sigh of relief and mumble. “It’s over.”

* * *

Back in Knox Ridge,Georgia, there’s a quick debrief. Mason Bradley calls me to his office to ask if I would be willing to work with his company on a case-by-case basis. He could use people with our training.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted my present and my past to collide, but surprisingly I accept to work with him. There was something familiar about the mission that made me feel good about myself.

When it’s time for me to leave, Seth says, “Thank you for rescuing me and helping with Theodora.”

I glare at him. “Treat her right, okay? I might not remember anything, but you say she was my sister, so if I learn you did something to her, I’ll kill you.”

He laughs. “Whatever.”

I come to a complete stop and look at him. “If I ever need you?”

He tilts his head. “You have my number.”

“It goes both ways.” I narrow my gaze before saying, “Thank you for doing this and helping me end them.”

He snorts. “It’s not like you gave me many options.”

“You could’ve walked away at any point.”

He gives me a serious look. “Not from you. Never from you.”

“I. Am. Finnegan. Gil,” I have to remind him.

“Yes, but once upon a time you were Archer St. James. My best friend. If you asked me for a kidney I would just ask left or right. I understand you’re now Finnegan Gil, but… I can’t just forget my friend.”

“I’m not him,” I insist.