Page 61 of Starts with You

Finn: Also, nice job quoting Yoda. Though, you’re aware that it’s just a puppet with a hand going up its ass, right? He’s not real.

Piper: Look at you, cracking jokes.

Piper: Yoda is real!

Finn: Who told you this was a joke?

Finn: :wink: emoji

Finn: We have a meeting. Talk to you soon.

Piper:Talk soon.

* * *

Finn: What did you bake today?

Piper: Strawberry cake donuts.

Finn:Are you saving me any?

Piper: I’ll put some in the freezer for when you’re back.

Piper: When are you coming back?

Finn: In a couple of weeks.

Piper: Why so long?

Finn: We found Teddy and we have to plan her rescue.

Piper: Is she safe?

Piper: I hate to see the dots dancing and not getting answers.

Piper: Your silence tells me everything. She’s not safe. How bad do you think it is?

Finn: Horrible.

Piper: Will she survive?

Finn: I hope so, but she’s going to need a lot of support from her friends and family.

Finn: I’m sorry for not getting to her on time.

Piper: If I could, I would trade places with her.

Finn: Never say that, please. I…

Finn: I understand why you would say that. You’re hurting, but I can’t stomach the thought of you being their prisoner.

Finn: Do you have any plans for today other than baking?

Finn: Are you still there?

Piper: I am. It’s just hard to deal with the information.

Finn: Is my dad home?