Page 7 of Starts with You

“What happened?”

I clear my throat. “The paparazzi brought undesirable people to your front door.”

Piper gasps. “No. My family. We knew it would happen and told Seth time and time again but… You have to—” She presses her lips together.

“We’ll make sure nothing happens to them, okay?”

She nods and asks, “Why am I in San Francisco?”

“You’re safer here.” I lift her delicate hand, placing a soft kiss on it. “After the surgery, we’ll take you to a safe house.”

“She’s staying here for a couple of days,” Heath steps forward and corrects me.

Piper glares at him, as if he’s crazy if he thinks she’s going to stay here. Her response surprises me though. “No, you operate, and then I’m going home with my family. They might evacuate them, and I—”

“That’s not possible,” I interrupt her.

She looks at me, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. I can feel the weight of her worries bearing down on her and it breaks my heart. “I know you want to be there for them,” I say softly, my voice filled with empathy. “But you have to recover first. Let us worry about your family.”

My lips brush her temple. “There’s not much you can do. It’s better for them if you stay with us.”

Piper slowly nods, but the worry in her eyes doesn’t leave. “Make sure they know I’m okay.”

“You focus on your recovery, okay? I will do everything in my power to ensure that nothing happens to them.” My voice is fierce with determination.

Piper gifts me a small, hopeful smile. “I believe you.”

“It’s time for us to take her, Farrow. You can see her later,” Heath prompts me.

I lean down and press a gentle kiss to Piper’s forehead, feeling a sense of resolve wash over me. I plan to protect her and her family, no matter what. Even if it pisses off Finn.

Fuck, Finn.

Is he Archer?

Possibly. He did lose his fucking memory almost eight years ago. That could be the exact reason why he hasn’t returned home, and why Piper is still waiting for him. But what if I’m wrong? I shouldn’t have said anything to him about being Archer until I knew all the facts. That’s a problem for later. Right now, I have to focus on Piper. The thought of losing her is unbearable, and I will do everything I can to keep her safe.



I creep cautiouslyinto the waiting room and spot Finn. He’s perched on a chair, his brow deeply furrowed, and his left leg bounces nervously against the rug. Even at a distance, I can feel the tension radiating off of him. His laptop is shut, and two cases rest beside him—one holds his laptop, the other his combat rifle, Remi. Why does he have to carry it with him everywhere?

“Hey.” I pad over to him quietly, sitting down on his unoccupied side.

He raises his gaze, though his light-colored eyes glance around rather than meeting mine. “How is she doing?”

I sneer, “As if you really care.”

Finn’s face hardens and he slowly rises to his feet. His gaze never leaves mine. “I do,” he stresses. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought her to the hospital or rescued her. I would’ve let them take her.”

At his words, my mind races back and recalls the level of urgency in his actions when we were still in Seattle and the kidnappers had Piper. He hadn’t hesitated to pull the trigger—as if killing them was the only option.

A nagging voice inside me wants to dig deeper and ask why he’s so invested in her well-being. Does he remember? But I silence the voice with a stiff reply, “She’s in surgery now.”

The worry lines around his eyes soften and he asks, “Any updates on how she’s doing?”

“They’ll let us know when she’s out.”