Page 4 of Starts with You

Geek4life: Remember the chick who introduced us? Your publisher?

LoneWolf99: Yeah, what about her?

Geek4life: She’s missing. We think they took her.

So, Piper is a civilian? Was she part of The Organization, and she retired? I’m guessing she’s in her mid or late twenties. Why would she stop working for them? And most importantly, why do they think the Zs have her?

LoneWolf99: I thought you said the Zs were killed on site.

Geek4life: Two of them are dead. There was probably a third one who took her with him. We can’t find any other explanation.

Geek4life: Her family is losing their shit.

LoneWolf99: I’ll let you know if I find out anything, but if I do, you can’t say I exist—or that I help you.

Geek4life: Have I ever mentioned your existence?

Geek4life: If I do, I might get canned.

LoneWolf99: I’ll message you when I know more.

Geek4life: I owe you, Gil.

LoneWolf99: Fuck, how many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn’t mention my name when we chat?

Geek4life: The server is secure. :wink: emoji

Am I an asshole for not telling him or The Organization that Piper is alive and with me?

No. This mess is their fucking fault. They have the manpower to assign assets to Theodora and Piper. Instead, they assigned some clown to them who wasn’t armed. Who the fuck does that? Amateurs or cocky companies who think they’re invincible. It’s probably the latter.

It’s their fucking fault that Piper is about to go into surgery and almost died at the hands of the Zs.

I send a few messages to my main people, including Walter and Phillip. I’ll need most of them to help me with this operation. Once I have them on standby, I shut down my computer. There’s nothing else I can do for now.

But I’m restless.

My legs are bouncing up and down. I rise from my seat and pace frantically around the waiting room, my heart is heavy with worry and fear. And it’s not the Zs that concern me, but Piper Cooperson.

I shouldn’t give a shit about her, but I fucking do.

The moment I saw she was in danger I wanted to shoot the van, not caring about the consequences. I am still livid with rage at the thought of someone trying to take Piper. Not just someone, the fucking Zs.

Whoever she was and whatever she did to me doesn’t matter. Deep inside my soul, I know I couldn’t live with myself if I hadn’t saved her.

It makes my blood boil to think about what could have happened to her if I hadn’t intervened. I am also frustrated with myself for not being able to prevent the situation from happening in the first place. That part is hard to understand. Why do I care?

I can’t shake the anxiety that lingers. What if I hadn’t been there? What if I had been too late? These thoughts race through my mind as I try to reassure myself that everything is okay now. But is it?

She’s going into surgery. Anything can happen in there, something can easily go wrong. The doctor said it was just fractures, but did he check for internal bleeding? I can’t remember what he said. While he spoke, all I wanted to do was push him to the OR and make him fix her. I needed to be there, holding her hand, because for some reason I don’t understand, I believe that she doesn’t like hospitals and hates the stench of sadness.

My reactions around her don’t make any sense. I’m a methodical man who doesn’t allow feelings to interfere, but she draws them out from somewhere within me. Somewhere I didn’t know existed until now. Fear is an emotion I don’t let invade me, but it’s gripping me just like the strong smell of disinfectant chokes me as I sit here in this hospital waiting room.

What if something happens to her? The better question is what the fuck is happening to me? Maybe it’s the scent almost everyone associates with hospitals and illness. It fills me with a sense of anxiety and fear.

Push the emotions away, Finnegan. You can’t feel anything, or you’re going to fail. Lots of people depend on you.

I try to take deep breaths and calm myself down, but it’s hard to shake the sense that I’m in a place where bad things happen.