Page 41 of Starts with You

“You wouldn’t mind dating two people?” Finn asks as we make our way back to Blinking Light.

“Would you?”

“I asked you first. Or are you going to tell me I’m too young to discuss dating?” He groans, and I wish I could see his expression, but I don’t bother to turn. We continue walking.

“You’re never going to let that go, are you?” I complain.

“I’m Piper’s age, which means I was a lot older when I first wanted to—”

“Have sex with me?” I dare to ask.

His back stiffens and he doesn’t answer.

“You were my client—ethically, it was wrong. Did I want to fuck you? Sure, I was attracted to you. But that was then, and you can’t change the past.”

He sighs and says nothing as we turn the corner. “So you wouldn’t mind dating two people?”

“Not at all. I’ve had polyamorous relationships before,” I say, my voice a little unsteady.

He stops abruptly and removes his sunglasses, his gray eyes piercing mine. “But not anymore?” His gaze is probing as if he’s waiting for me to say something that will tell him everything he needs to know. I’m not sure what to say, but I’m hit by a wave of emotions—uncertainty, longing, and a deep-seated fear of taking a leap into the unknown.

I exhale a heavy breath and shake my head. “After them I convinced myself that it’d be best to stay single. That was, until I met Piper, and I allowed myself to consider the possibility of being with someone again.”

“Which obviously isn’t working out,” Finn mutters, his expression confused.

I nod, my face betraying all the struggles that are happening. “It’s complicated.”

Finn runs a hand through his hair, the motion signaling a thought he’s too scared to vocalize. “I don’t think she’s worth all the trouble, man. Why don’t you let this go?”

I grin. “But you say it while being interested not only in her but trying to imagine beyond just the two of you. You want to add me to this equation.”

He lifts a brow before hesitantly asking, “Is that even possible?”

I shrug a shoulder. “It could be, but there’s a lot of things we would have to work through before we even entertain a long-lasting relationship.”

“I ask again, is it worth it?”

“More than you can imagine,” I reply, a tiny lump of apprehension forming in the back of my throat as I wonder what will become of us if he ever remembers his past.


Finn: Thank you for this day.

Piper: I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Finn: So your dad owns that bar, huh?

Piper: My parents do, but as Mom likes to say, bars are Dad’s thing. Pa dedicates his time to the production and publishing companies.

Finn: So the CEO, Matt Decker is your father?

Piper: Yes.

Finn: Who is your mother?

Piper: I’m not answering that question.

Finn: It’s not about me, but you.